Multilingual resources and translated information
Facilitating Healthcare Access
HSE My Health, My Language
HSE National Social Inclusion Office in conjunction with HSE National Screening Service and HSE Mental Health have developed a series of videos entitled “My health, my language” for migrants and international protection applicants to give them information on healthcare in Ireland.
About the Irish Health System: A guide for refugees and other migrants
The guide is in three parts.
- Part 1 gives information on how to access different types of health care, the services that are free and how the GP, Pharmacy and hospital systems work.
- Part 2 gives information about specialist services (dental treatments, eye tests, hearing aids, vaccinations) and some of the staff you may meet in the health system.
- Part 3 advises what to do in an emergency.
- About the Irish Health System (English)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Irish)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Albanian)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Arabic)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Bulgarian)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Chinese)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Czech)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Farsi)
- About the Irish Health System (English/French)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Georgian
- About the Irish Health System (English/Kurdish)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Lithuanian)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Pashto)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Polish)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Portuguese)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Romanian)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Russian)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Slovak)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Somali)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Spanish)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Ukrainian)
- About the Irish Health System (English/Urdu)
About the Irish Health Service PRINT poster with QR codes in 21 languages
About the Irish Health Service WEB poster with QR codes in 21 languages
HSE GP visit card
Posters with information on the GP visit card, available in English, Irish, Polish, Romanian, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Chinese, Latvian, Ukrainian, Arabic.
A multilingual website which provides information on health services in Ireland including GP Practices, hospitals, maternity and women's health and mental health.
HSE unplanned pregnancy support services
Interpreters can be provided in 240 languages. This service is free and confidential. Freephone 1800 828 010. You or someone on your behalf will need to tell us what language you speak and give us a phone number. An interpreter will then phone you back for a 3-way call between you, a MyOptions counsellor and the interpreter.
HSE Emergency Multilingual Aid
Available to staff to order free online at, this resource supports frontline staff to engage with patients who may face language barriers when arriving at an emergency department or maternity hospital. The aid includes visual cues and language identification card to assist in assessments. Available in 18 languages.
The Emergency Multi-Lingual Aid is available at
Also available is a Language identification card
HSE 'I need to see the Pharmacist' translation aid
Download the translation aid to assist in visiting the pharmacist in English/Arabic (docx)
HSE aids to translating foreign immunisation records
Aids to translating foreign immunisation records
HSE Quick chart of vaccine-preventable disease terms in multiple languages
Quick chart of vaccine preventable disease terms in multiple languages
Cairde Pathways To Being Well
Cairde develops culturally appropriate information materials about health and health services in Ireland. Some are available in various languages. To access these resources, you can visit the Cairde website.
Health Services Intercultural Guide
Health Services Intercultural Guide: Responding to the needs of diverse religious communities and cultures in healthcare settings.
This is a resource to help health-care professionals to care for patients from diverse ethnic, religious and cultural groups. It is also available as an app - Understand me - free of charge from Google Play.
Lost in Translation? A guide for HSE staff
Lost in Translation? Good Practice Guidelines for HSE Staff in Planning, Managing and Assuring Quality Translations of Health Related Material and Other Languages.
HSE information for Roma communities
Health information available in English, Romanian, Czech and Slovak
Local support information for Roma in Cork and Kerry is collated in the following leaflets
English, Romanian, Czech and Ukrainian
COVID-19 resources
Child Health
HSE books 0-2 years and 2-5 years book for 0-2 year olds - English/Arabic book for 2-5 year olds - English/Arabic
HSE pregnancy and postpartum booklets
My Pregnancy book - English/Arabic
HSE Postpartum (after giving birth) booklet - English
HSE Postpartum (after giving birth) booklet - Romanian
HSE MyChild winter illness advice posters
Arabic, Bengali, Dari, Georgian, Pashto, Russian, Somali, Ukrainian
HSE MyChild diarrhoea information for babies and children
English, Arabic, Bengali, Dari,Georgian, Pashto, Somali Urdu,
HSE MyChild high temperature and fever information for children
English, Arabic, Bengali.Dari, Georgian.Pashto, Somali, Urdu
HSE MyChild vomiting in babies information
English, Arabic, Bengali, Dari, Georgian, Pashto, Somali, Urdu
Immunisation and Infectious Diseases
HSE Childhood Immunisation Programme
- Protect your child with vaccines infographic in English, Albanian, French, Georgian, Pashto, Somali, Urdu, Arabic, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Ukrainian
- HSE Childhood Immunisation Calendar (English)
The Immunisation Calendar was designed to accompany HSE information on vaccinations.
FDYS Childhood Diseases
Leaflets developed by the Waterford and Wexford Roma Health Projects managed by the Integration and Support Unit and the Ferns Diocesan Youth Service; supported by HSE Social Inclusion and the Department of Public Health, Community Healthcare Organisation Area 5. The leaflet is available in English and Romanian.
The Childhood Diseases leaflet was designed to accompany HSE information on vaccinations.
HSE vaccination information (childhood, school and adult)
Get information relating to childhood, school and adult vaccinations
RSV collated resources
Collated resources for RSV for Travellers, Roma and migrants including translated resources.
HSE Measles and MMR collated vaccine resources
HSE Measles and MMR collated vaccine resources (updated Dec 2024)
HSE Measles video and poster with QR codes
The bi-lingual Youtube videos below in Romanian and English are available as a QR code poster
- What is measles?
- How is measles spread?
- What are the complications of measles?
- How can we protect ourselves from measles?
- How safe is the measles vaccine?
- Can you get measles if you are vaccinated?
HSE flu vaccine information
The HSE has launched a flu vaccine campaign and produced leaflets for 1) at risk groups 2) healthcare workers 3) pregnant women 4) children and young people
Translations are available in 9 languages: English, Irish, Arabic, Czech, French, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian.
RSV and vaccine information Video/Leaflet (Pavee Point)
RSV and vaccine information leaflet in Romanian and English
RSV translated resources available in 12 languages here
HPSC hepatitis B factsheets and leaflets
Hepatitis B information leaflets are available from the HSE Health Protection Surveillance Centre in multiple languages.
HIV treatment leaflets
The HSE's Sexual Health and Wellbeing programme have treatment leaflets in French, Spanish and Portuguese. Their Prep information leaflet is also available in Portuguese.
HSE tuberculosis (TB) leaflets
HSE patient information leaflets on TB are available in 14 languages.
Download the tuberculosis leaflets
Sexual health
HSE Your Guide to Sexually Transmitted Infections ( available in French, Arabic, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, Ukrainian
Contraception ( currently available in 10 languages.
Keeping Well
Asthma Society of Ireland
The Asthma Education Inclusion Project consists of culturally appropriate, literacy-friendly asthma resources and materials for the Roma, Refugees, People Seeking International Protection and the Traveller community.
Visit the Asthma Society of Ireland website for resources
HSE keeping well in winter
- Keeping well in winter: Roma communities (English)
- Keeping well in winter: Roma communities (Romanian)
- Keeping well in winter: Roma communities (Czech)
- Keeping well in winter: Roma communities (Slovak)
- Keeping well in winter poster (English)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Albanian)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Arabic)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Dari)
- Keeping well in winter poster (French)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Georgian)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Russian)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Somali)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Ukrainian)
- Keeping well in winter poster (Urdu)
My Medicines Lists and the 'Know, Check, Ask' campaign
The National Medication Safety Programme have produced a leaflet encouraging patients to ‘Know, Check, Ask’ in relation to their medicines.
The Know Check Ask campaign has been designed to help you KNOW your medicines and keep a list, CHECK that you are using the right medicine the right way, and ASK your healthcare professional if you’re unsure. One of the key resources from the Know, Check, Ask campaign is the ‘My Medicines List’; a list of all the medicines and supplements a person takes.
The medicines list is available in 52 languages.
HSE National Cervical Screening Programme
CervicalCheck website has a sample CervicalCheck information sheet and Cervical Screening form in several languages. These documents are to aid HSE staff in explaining what cervical screening is to participants where English is not their first language. However, it is important that you use the English screening form when you are submitting the screening sample.
English, Chinese, French, Irish, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, German, Hindi, Filipino, Arabic, Bengali, Croatian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese
HSE National Screening Service
- BowelScreen videos
- BreastCheck videos
- CervicalCheck videos
- Diabetic RetinaScreen videos
- 4 programme factsheet in multiple languages
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Cork Kerry Community Healthcare migrant health
Visit the Cork Kerry Community Healthcare migrant health website
Information includes:
- Trauma and PTSD- what it is and what it feels like
- How to manage sleeping and anxiety and other issues
- Meditations
Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV)
HSE Cork/Kerry Animation on domestic violence - English (Youtube)
HSE Cork/Kerry Animation on domestic violence - Arabic (Youtube)
AkiDwA Women Support Services
Leaflet and poster for Domestic Violence available in English leaflet, Arabic poster, Arabic leaflet, French poster, French leaflet, Swahili poster, Swahili leaflet
Hill Street Family Resource Centre Domestic Violence poster
A poster developed by Hill Street Family Resource Centre (Dublin) is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Hindi, Polish, Romanian, Russian.
Rape Crisis Network of Ireland is available in multiple languages. Just visit the site and choose your preferred language from the drop-down menu.
Women’s Aid Domestic Violence Videos
Women's Aid have developed videos to share the signs of domestic violence and how and where to access safe, supportive help in many languages.
Visit the Women's Aid website
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
Rotunda Hospital Information Leaflet for Pregnant Women who have Previously Experienced Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in English, Arabic and Somali.