H tests

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17 hydroxy progesterone

  • Test Name: 17 hydroxy progesterone
  • Laboratory: Biochemistry Referred Test
  • Specimen Type: Serum or lithium heparin plasma (adults). Serum only (paeds)
  • Specimen Container: Yellow or Green (adults) White (paeds)
  • Specimen Volume: 4mls (adults) 1.5mls (paeds)
  • Specimen Requirements: Indicate on request form specific clinical details as reason for request.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay:
  • Turnaround Time: 3 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A

5 HIAA (hydroxy indole acetic acid)

  • Test Name: 5 HIAA (hydroxy indole acetic acid)
  • Laboratory: Biochemistry Referred Test
  • Specimen Type: 24 hour acidified urine
  • Specimen Container: 24 hour urine with acid preservative (available from the biochemistry lab).
  • Specimen Volume: Complete collection of 24 hour urine
  • Specimen Requirements: The patient must not consume the following for 48 hours; bananas, chocolate, tomatoes, avocado, pineapple, plums, dried fruit, citrus fruit, kiwifruit, molluscs.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay:
  • Turnaround Time: 3 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: N/A

Haematinic Screen(B12, Folate, Ferritin)

  • Test Name: Haematinic Screen(B12, Folate, Ferritin)
  • Laboratory: Biochemistry
  • Specimen Type: Serum
  • Specimen Container: Yellow
  • Specimen Volume: 4mls
  • Specimen Requirements: Same sample suffices for folate/B12
  • Other details: Repeat tests not performed within one month
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily.
  • Turnaround Time: 3 working days
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: 7 days.

Haemochromatosis Screen

  • Test Name: Haemochromatosis Screen
  • Laboratory: Haematology referral test
  • Specimen Type: EDTA
  • Specimen Container: Purple
  • Specimen Volume: 2.5 ml
  • Specimen Requirements: Avoid sending on Fridays
  • Other details: A signed patient consent form must accompany the sample and request form. A copy of the consent form can be obtained from the Haematology section of the UHW Lab User manual website or from UHW Q-Pulse. Note conditions required on the consent form for performing the test. Testing will not be performed unless a completed consent form is received. 
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
  • Turnaround Time: 2 - 3 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: 7 days.


Haemoglobin (Point of Care)

  • Contact UHWNPT@hse.ie or 8372 for training
  • Laboratory: Hemacue in Maternity and Theatre. Governed by Near Patient Testing/Point of Care Department.
  • Specimen Type: Finger prick - Whole blood
  • Specimen Container: N/A
  • Specimen Volume: ~1ul
  • Specimen Requirements: Ensure correct patient details linked to result.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/assay: N/A
  • Turnaround Time: <1min
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: Analyse immediately


Haemoglobinopathy Screen

  • Test Name: Haemoglobinopathy Screen
  • Laboratory: Haematology referral test
  • Specimen Type: EDTA
  • Specimen Container: Purple
  • Specimen Volume: 2.5 ml
  • Specimen Requirements: Avoid sending on Fridays.
  • Other details: Where indicated, a screen test for HbS is available in the Haematology Lab UHW for patients requiring emergency surgery.  If a Haemoglobinopathy investigation is required prior to elective surgery, a request should be sent inadequate time to allow the performance of full Haemoglobinopathy screen. A St. James's Haemoglobinopathy request form must be sent with all samples. The form can be downloaded from the Haematology section of the UHW Lab User manual website or from UHW Q-Pulse. Requests without this specific request form will not be processed.
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: As required. Tests should not need to be repeated.
  • Turnaround Time: 2 - 4 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: 4 days.


Haemorrhagic uraemic syndrome

  • Test Name: Haemorrhagic uraemic syndrome
  • Laboratory: Microbiology
  • Specimen Type: Faeces
  • Specimen Container: Sterile universal container with/without spoon.
  • Specimen Volume: 1-2g (spoonful)
  • Specimen Requirements: Faeces should arrive as soon as possible, refrigerate if delivery is delayed
  • Other details: Only one specimen per day per patient will be processed.
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 2-4 days
  • Phone alert limits: All positive VTEC specimens will be phoned to the requesting clinician
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A

Haemophilus Antibodies

  • Test Name: Haemophilus antibodies
  • Laboratory: Serology External
  • Specimen Type: Clotted Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
  • Turnaround Time: 21 days
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp


  • Test Name: Haptoglobin
  • Laboratory: Biochemistry
  • Specimen Type: Serum, plasma
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, green top for WRH in house samples only
  • Specimen Volume: 4mls
  • Specimen Requirements: N/A
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: Routine 2 working days - Urgent < 3 hours
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A



  • Test Name: HbA1c
  • Laboratory: Haematology
  • Specimen Type: EDTA
  • Specimen Container: Purple
  • Specimen Volume: 2.5ml
  • Specimen Requirements: Can be performed on same sample as FBC
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily on routine workdays
  • Turnaround Time: 3 working days
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: 5 days.


HbA1c (Point of Care)

  • POCT: DCA Vantage in Paediatric Dept. and Community. Governed by Near Patient Testing/Point of Care Department.
  • Specimen Type: Finger prick - Whole blood
  • Specimen Container: N/A
  • Specimen Volume: ~1ul
  • Specimen Requirements: Ensure correct patient details linked to result.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/assay: N/A
  • Turnaround Time: ~6 mins
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: Analyse immediately

HDL Cholesterol


  • Test Name: HDL Cholesterol
  • Laboratory: Biochemistry
  • Specimen Type: Serum, Plasma
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, Green top for WRH in house samples only.
  • Specimen Volume: 4mls
  • Specimen Requirements: Fasting specimen required (fasting for 12-14 hours)
  • Other details:
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: Routine 2 working day - Urgent < 3 hours
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A

Helicobacter pylori

  • Test Name: Helicobacter pylori
  • Laboratory: Microbiology
  • Specimen Type: Faeces
  • Specimen Container: Sterile universal container with/without a spoon.
  • Specimen Volume:1-2g(spoonful)
  • Specimen Requirements: DO NOT USE stool in transport media, on swabs, or mixed with preservatives. The specimen should be transported in an airtight container and stored at 2-8 C until tested. The specimen should be tested as soon as possible, but may be held up to 72 hours at 2-8 C prior to testing. If testing cannot be performed within this time frame, specimens should be frozen immediately on receipt and stored frozen (≤ -20 C) until tested.
  • Other details: H.pylori Antigen testing is only performed on inpatient specimens, it is not currently performed on GP specimens.
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 1 working day
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A


Hepatitis A

  • Test Name: Hepatitis A
  • Laboratory: Serology
  • Specimen Type: Clotted Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Phone alert limits: Specimens positive for Hepatitis A IgM will be phoned to the requesting clinician
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A


Hepatitis B antibody

  • Test Name: Hepatitis B
  • Laboratory: Serology
  • Specimen Type: Clotted Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: Vaccination details for Hepatitis B antibody to be tested.
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A

Hepatitis B DNA Viral Load

  • Test Name: Hepatitis B DNA Viral Load
  • Laboratory: Serology
  • Specimen Type: EDTA (Plasma) Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Purple, red (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml EDTA blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
  • Turnaround Time: 7-10 days
  • Phone alert limits: Specimens positive for Hepatitis B PCR will be phoned to the requesting clinician
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A


Hepatitis B 

  • Test Name: Hepatitis B surface Antigen, anti HBc, Hepatitis B e Ag, anti-Hbe, HBc IgM
  • Laboratory: Serology
  • Specimen Type: Clotted Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: Hepatitis B markers are only performed where indicated. All first time Hepatitis B surface antigen positive samples are referred to NVRL for delta antigen.
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Phone alert limits: Specimens positive for Hepatitis B surface antigen will be phoned to the requesting clinician, unless previously positive.
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A


Hepatitis C

  • Test Name: Hepatitis C antibody and antigen
  • Laboratory: Serology
  • Specimen Type: Clotted Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Hepatitis C antibody: Daily, Hepatitis C Antigen: Twice per week
  • Turnaround Time:Hepatitis C antibody: 1 day, Hepatitis C antigen: 5 days
  • Phone alert limits: Specimens positive for Hepatitis C will be phoned to the requesting clinician
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A

Hepatitis C PCR

  • Test Name: Hepatitis C viral load PCR
  • Laboratory: Serology Internal
  • Specimen Type: Clotted
  • Specimen Container: Yellow/purple, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 1ml clotted/EDTA blood
  • Specimen Requirements: Specimens should be transported at 2-8 degrees Celsius
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: After centrifugation plasma and serum may be held at 15-35 degrees Celsius  for 24 hrs or at 2-8 degrees Celsius for 3 days.

Hepatitis E

  • Test Name: Hepatitis E
  • Laboratory: Serology 
  • Specimen Type: Clotted blood sample
  • Specimen Container: Yellow/purple, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Specimens should be transported at 2-8 degrees Celsius
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Phone alert limits: Specimens positive for Hepatitis E IgM will be phoned to the requesting clinician.
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

  • Test Name: Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
  • Laboratory: Serology External
  • Specimen Type: Viral swab for PCR
  • Specimen Container: Pink topped viral swab for PCR (Index J specimen container list)
  • Specimen Volume: N/A.
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
  • Turnaround Time: 7-10 days
  • Phone alert limits: HSV detected from inpatients are phoned to the requesting clinician
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A


High Vaginal Swab see Genital tract

  • Test Name: High Vaginal Swab see Genital tract and associated infections
  • Laboratory: Microbiology
  • Specimen Type:
  • Specimen Container:
  • Specimen Volume:
  • Specimen Requirements:
  • Other details:
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay:
  • Turnaround Time:
  • Phone alert limits:
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp:


  • Test Name: Histoplasmosis
  • Laboratory: Serology External
  • Specimen Type: Clotted Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
  • Turnaround Time: 7-10 days
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A

HIT Screen

  • Test Name: HIT (Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia) screen
  • Laboratory: Haematology referral test
  • Specimen Type:  3 X clotted samples
  • Specimen Container: Yellow
  • Specimen Volume: 3.5ml per tube
  • Specimen Requirements: 
  • Other details: A St. James's Hospital Dublin HIT screen request form must accompany the sample. The  4T HIT score on the form must be completed by the requesting clinician. The form can be downloaded from the Haematology section of the UHW Lab User manual website or from UHW Q-Pulse. Requests without this specific request form will not be processed..
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: As required
  • Turnaround Time: 2 weeks. If positive, further confirmatory tests are sent to Germany.
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: Send to the lab ASAP for processing and dispatch

HLA & Disease Association

  • Test Name: HLA & Disease Association
  • Laboratory: Blood Transfusion Referral to National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Reference
  • Specimen Type: EDTA Whole Blood
  • Specimen Container: 2 x Pink Capped or 2 x Purple Capped
  • Specimen Volume: 5 - 12ml
  • Specimen Requirements: Specimen & Request form must comply with labelling requirements and will only be processed at the expressed permission of the Consultant Haematologist. Refer to www.IBTS.ie and Laboratory Guidelines for Hospitals and Primary Care
  • Other details: Please use appropriate NHIRL Request form, available from BT Lab. WRH
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Refer to IBTS http://www.giveblood.ie/Clinical_Services/NHIRL/NHIRL_Customer_Handbook.pdf
  • Turnaround Time: 14-21 Days
  • Phone alert limits:
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp:

HLA B27 Typing

  • Test Name: HLA B27 Typing
  • Laboratory: Blood Transfusion Referral To Biomnis Laboratories, Lyon, France
  • Specimen Type: EDTA Whole Blood
  • Specimen Container: 1 x Pink Capped or 2 x Purple Capped
  • Specimen Volume: 5 - 12ml
  • Specimen Requirements: Specimen & Request form must comply referral laboratory labelling requirements i.e. Sample labelled with full patient details matching request form and both specimen and request form signed.  Refer to www.eurofins.ie/biomnis/ and test details for HLA B27 Typing 
  • A signed patient consent form must be received in addition to the HLA B27 test request.  Testing will not be performed unless a completed request form is completed.
  • This consent form is available via: https://www.eurofins-biomnis.com/referentiel/liendoc/renseignements/INTGB/B12-INTGB-Molecular_Genetics.pdf
  • A pdf copy of this form can also be accessed from the Blood Transfusion section of the UHW lab user manual website.
  • Other details: Time-sensitive test, sample must be transported and received in Blood Transfusion WRH within 48 hours of phlebotomy.
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Test is only required to be performed once.
  • Turnaround Time: 17 Days
  • Phone alert limits: None Applicable
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp:

HLA Class I & II typing of transplant

  • Test Name: HLA Class I & II typing of transplant patients & family members
  • Laboratory: Blood Transfusion Referred To National Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Reference
  • Specimen Type: EDTA
  • Specimen Container: Pink x 2
  • Specimen Volume: 5-10ml
  • Specimen Requirements: Specimen & Request form must comply with labelling requirements and will only be processed at the expressed permission of the Consultant Haematologist. Refer to www.IBTS.ie and Laboratory Guidelines for Hospitals and Primary Care
  • Other details: HLA typing is most often performed when a patient requires a bone marrow transplant and a sibling match is a possibility. Please use appropriate NHIRL Request form, available from BT Lab. WRH
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Refer to IBTS http://www.giveblood.ie/Clinical_Services/NHIRL/NHIRL_Customer_Handbook.pdf
  • Turnaround Time: 14-21 Days
  • Phone alert limits:
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp:


HLA typing & HLA antibody screening (Dialysis Patients)

  • Test Name: HLA typing & HLA antibody screening
  • Laboratory: Autoantibody Lab. External
  • Specimen Type: Serum & trisodium citrate
  • Specimen Container: Yellow x 2: Blue x 6
  • Specimen Volume: 10mls of serum; 20 mls of trisodium citrate Paediatric sample 3 mls of serum; 5 mls of trisodium citrate
  • Specimen Requirements: N/A
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: As required
  • Turnaround Time: 2-4 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: N/A
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A



  • Test Name: Homocysteine (Paediatric samples only are referred from the biochemistry dept.)
  • Laboratory: Biochemistry Referred Test
  • Specimen Type: Plasma
  • Specimen Container: Green (no gel)
  • Specimen Volume: 4 mls
  • Specimen Requirements: Send sample to lab straightaway.
  • Other details: n/a
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay:
  • Turnaround Time: 3 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: n/a
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: Samples must be separated within 10 mins.


Homocysteine (Thrombophilia Screen)

  • Test Name: Homocysteine (Adult Thrombophilia Screen only)
  • Laboratory: Haematology referral test
  • Specimen Type: EDTA
  • Specimen Container: Purple
  • Specimen Volume: 2.5ml
  • Specimen Requirements: Do not send Fridays
  • Other details: Plasma must be separated from the sample within 60 minutes of phlebotomy. Send to the Haematology Lab urgently.
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: As required
  • Turnaround Time: 2 - 4 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: n/a
  • Preanalytical stability; Once separated, the sample is stable for 14 days at 2 - 8°C

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)


  • Test Name: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • Laboratory: Serology
  • Specimen Type: Clotted Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Yellow, white (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 4ml clotted blood (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Phone alert limits: Specimens positive for HIV will be phoned to the requesting clinician
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A


Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) PCR

  • Test Name: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) PCR
  • Laboratory: Serology External
  • Specimen Type: EDTA Blood Specimen
  • Specimen Container: Purple, red (paediatric).
  • Specimen Volume: 2.5.mls (1.5ml paediatric).
  • Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if delivery to the laboratory is delayed.
  • Other details: N/A
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
  • Turnaround Time: 7-10 days
  • Phone alert limits: Specimens positive for HIV PCR will be phoned to the requesting clinician
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A


Hydroxy Proline


  • Test Name: Hydroxy Proline
  • Laboratory: Biochemistry Referred Test
  • Specimen Type: 24 hour urine
  • Specimen Container: 24 hour urine container available from the biochemistry dept.
  • Specimen Volume: Complete collection
  • Specimen Requirements: The patient must not consume the following for 48 hours prior to the test; collagen-rich foods, meat, jelly, gelatin,
  • Other details:
  • Frequency of analysis/ assay:
  • Turnaround Time: 3 weeks
  • Phone alert limits: n/a
  • Preanalytical stability at room temp: n/a