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- Test Name: Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDH)
- Laboratory: Haematology referral test
- Specimen Type: EDTA
- Specimen Container: Purple
- Specimen Volume: 2.5 ml
- Specimen Requirements: As required
- Other details: A St. James's Hospital Dublin Haemoglobinopathy request form must be sent with the sample. The form can be downloaded from the Haematology section of the UHW Lab User manual website or from UHW Q-Pulse. Requests without this specific request form will not be processed.
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
- Turnaround Time: 10 days
- Phone alert limits: N/A
- Preanalytical stability: Refrigerate and send to the lab ASAP.
- Test Name: Galactomannan
- Laboratory: Serology Referral Test
- Specimen Type: Serum
- Specimen Container: Yellow top
- Specimen Volume: 6ml
- Specimen Requirements: Refrigerate if a delay in sending to the laboratory
- Other details: NA
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Referred to external test site
- Turnaround Time: Approx. 7days.
- Phone alert limits: NA
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: NA
- Test Name: Gastrin
- Laboratory: Biochemistry Referred Test
- Specimen Type: Serum
- Specimen Container: Yellow
- Specimen Volume: 4mls
- Specimen Requirements: Send sample to lab within 1 hour. The patient must be fasting for 16 hours prior to collection.
- Other details: N/A
- Frequency of analysis/ assay:
- Turnaround Time: 3 weeks
- Phone alert limits: N/A
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: Sample must be separated and frozen within 2 hours.
Gastroenteritis (acute)
- Test Name: Gastroenteritis (acute)
- Laboratory: Microbiology
- Specimen Type: Faeces / Rectal swab
- Specimen Container: Sterile universal container with/without spoon, amies swab.
- Specimen Volume: 1-2g (spoonful)
- Specimen Requirements: Faeces should arrive as soon as possible, refrigerate if delivery is delayed
- Other details: Only one specimen per day per patient will be
- processed.
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
- Turnaround Time: 2 days
- Phone alert limits: Positive Salmonella, Shigella, Campylobacter and VTEC isolates are phoned to the requesting clinician.
- Preanalytical stability at room temp:N/A
Gaucher screen
- Test Name: Gaucher screen - glucocerebrosidase assay
- Laboratory: Haematology referral test
- Specimen Type: EDTA
- Specimen Container: Purple
- Specimen Volume: 3 x 2.5ml
- Specimen Requirements: Send Monday to Wednesday only to ensure timely delivery to the UK
- Other details: Requested via the Haematology medical team only
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: As required
- Turnaround Time: 2 - 4 weeks
- Phone alert limits: N/A
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: 3 days
Genetic Sequencing
- Test Name: Genetic Sequencing (Beta-hydroxysteroid deficiency)
- Laboratory: Misc External Referral
- Specimen Type: EDTA
- Specimen Container: Purple
- Specimen Volume: 5ml
- Specimen Requirements:
- Other details: Dr D Sterling, Consultant Clinical ScientistDepartment of Haematology, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Little
- France Cresent, Edinburgh, EH16 WFA
- Frequency of analysis/ assay:
- Turnaround Time:
- Phone alert limits:
- Preanalytical stability at room temp:
Genital tract and associated infections
- Test Name: Genital tract and associated infections see also Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia trachomatis
- Laboratory: Microbiology
- Specimen Type: Swabs - High Vaginal, Cervical, Vulval, Penile, Urethral. Ejaculate, Prostatic fluid. Intra-uterine contraceptive.
- Specimen Container: Sterile universal container, amies swab, amies charcoal swab.
- Specimen Volume: At least 1ml of fluid
- Specimen Requirements: IUCD only tested if Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) or other inflammatory condition indicated.
- Other details: Delays of 24hr. or more between sampling and testing will greatly diminish the recovery of N. gonorrhoeae. If a delay is unavoidable make a direct smear for Gram stain. Gram stain is performed on patients aged between 12-50 for the presence of bacterial vaginosis. This is determined by review of clue cells and organisms present.
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
- Turnaround Time: 3-4 days
- Phone alert limits: Beta Haemolytic Streptococcus Group A isolates, Beta Haemolytic Streptococcus Group B isolates from maternity, postnatal and neonatal patients, N.gonorrhoeae, new MRSA and VRE isolates from inpatients.
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A
- Test Name: Gentamycin
- Laboratory: Biochemistry
- Specimen Type: Serum, plasma
- Specimen Container: Yellow, adult green top for WRH in house samples only, Orange Lithuim Heparin (Paeds)
- Specimen Volume: 4mls adult. 1.5ml paeds.
- Specimen Requirements: State time of dose on the request form and whether pre or post-dose.
- Other details: N/A
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
- Turnaround Time: < 3 hours
- Phone alert limits: N/A
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A
GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase)
- Test Name: GGT (gamma glutamyl transferase)
- Laboratory: Biochemistry
- Specimen Type: Serum, plasma
- Specimen Container: Yellow, Green for WRH in house samples only.
- Specimen Volume: 4mls
- Specimen Requirements: N/A
- Other details: N/A
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
- Turnaround Time: Routine - 2 working day Urgent <3 hours
- Phone alert limits: N/A
- Preanalytical stability at room temp:
Giardia see Ova and Parasites
- Test Name: Giardia see Ova and Parasites
- Laboratory: Microbiology
- Specimen Type:
- Specimen Container:
- Specimen Volume:
- Specimen Requirements:
- Other details:
- Frequency of analysis/ assay:
- Turnaround Time:
- Phone alert limits:
- Preanalytical stability at room temp:
- Test Name: Glucagon
- Laboratory: Biochemistry Referred Test
- Specimen Type: EDTA + aprotinin (Available from biochemistry dept.)
- Specimen Container: Pink
- Specimen Volume: 4mls
- Specimen Requirements: Send sample to lab within 30 minutes.
- Other details:
- Frequency of analysis/ assay:
- Turnaround Time: 3 weeks
- Phone alert limits: N/A
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: Sample must be separated and frozen < 1 hour.
Glucose (Sugar)
- Test Name: Glucose (Sugar)
- Laboratory: Biochemistry
- Specimen Type: Plasma
- Specimen Container: Grey (Adult) Yellow (Paed)
- Specimen Volume: 4mls (Adult) 1.5mls (Paed)
- Specimen Requirements: N/A
- Other details: Clearly indicate if the patient is fasting.
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
- Turnaround Time: Routine - 2 working day Urgent <3 hours
- Phone alert limits: <2.5 mmol/L >25 mmol/L
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A
Glucose (Point of Care)
- Contact UHWNPT@hse.ie or 8372 for training and access
- POCT: ~120 Glucose/Ketone meters (Nova StatStrips) throughout UHW. Governed by Near Patient Testing/Point of Care Department.
- Specimen Type: Finger prick - Whole blood
- Specimen Container: N/A
- Specimen Volume: ~1ul
- Specimen Requirements: Prick finger and analyse sample immediately at patient’s bedside.
- Other details: Correct patient details to be entered on analyser.
- Frequency of analysis/assay: N/A
- Turnaround Time: <1min
- Phone alert limits: Critical Whole blood Glucose limits below 2.5 or above 20 mmol/l alert clinical team
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: Analyse immediately
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
- Test Name: Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
- Laboratory: Biochemistry
- Specimen Type: Fasting and 2 hour pp Samples
- Specimen Container: Grey
- Specimen Volume: 4mls
- Specimen Requirements:
- Other details: Clearly indicate time of collection on samples.
- Frequency of analysis/ assay:
- Turnaround Time: Routine 2 working day, urgent < 3 hours.
- Phone alert limits: N/A
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A
Culture Detection (see below for molecular detection)
- Test Name: Gonorrhoea
- Laboratory: Microbiology
- Specimen Type: Swabs- Urethral, Endocervical, Rectal / Pharyngeal (where appropriate)
- Specimen Container: Amies charcoal swab is the preferred specimen choice for optimum recovery of N.gonorrhoeae. Amies transport swab also accepted.
- Specimen Volume: N/A
- Specimen Requirements: Endocervical swab for female and urethral swab for males are the preferred swab for the recovery of N.gonorrhoeae.
- Other details: Delays of 24hr. or more between sampling and testing will greatly diminish the recovery of N. gonorrhoeae. If delay is unavoidable make a direct smear for Gram stain
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
- Turnaround Time: 2-4 days culture
- Phone alert limits: Isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae are phoned to requesting clinician with the exception of the STI clinic
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: N/A
Molecular detection
- Test Name: Gonorrhoea
- Laboratory: Microbiology
- Specimen Type: Endocervical/Vaginal swabs, Male urethral swab, first catch urine (male/female)
- Specimen Container: Abbott multi-collect specimen collection kit can be used for swabs and urine specimens
- Specimen Volume: Add urine to Specimen transport buffer in transport tube until the liquid level falls within the fill window on the tube label.
- Specimen Requirements: See Abbott multi-collect specimen collection kit information for users for details of specimen collection
- Other details: N/A
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Daily
- Turnaround Time: 5 working days
- Phone alert limits: Positive Neisseria gonorrhoeae phoned to the requesting clinicians with the exception of the STI clinic.
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: Urine specimens and swab specimens can be stored in the specimen transport buffer in transport tube at 2 to 30 degrees celsius for up to 14days.
analytical stability at room temp: N/A
Group and Crossmatch
(University Hospital Waterford/ UPMC Whitfield only)
- Test Name: Group and Crossmatch
- Laboratory: Blood Transfusion
- Specimen Type: EDTA
- Specimen Container: 6ml Pink Cap
- Specimen Volume: 2-6ml* (Paediatric: 2ml/ Neonate <4months: 1ml)
- Specimen Requirements:
- Other details: Laboratory must be informed, by phone, of Emergency x-match requests. Red cells are held for 24 hours from time blood is required. The laboratory must be notified if there is a clinical need to reserve blood for longer. Refer to MSBOS when requesting red cells for surgical procedures. Deviations from MSBOS - BT lab. to be contacted.
- See, Blood Transfusion Department Web page for MSBOS link
- Group and crossmatch samples are valid for 72 hours from time sample is taken initially irrespective of previous transfusion history.
Exceptions to this rule are permissible in the following circumstances only:
Placenta Praevia patients (7 day hold)
Patients with complex antibodies/patients crossmatched in IBTS Dublin (only with authorization of Consultant Haematologist)
Other scenarios as the need may arise (only with authorization of Consultant Haematologist)
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Routine:Daily Elective Surgery/Transfusion:Samples should be received in the laboratory by 15.00 one working day prior to the blood being required. Urgent:At all times
- Turnaround Time: Routine:< 5 hours Urgent: ≤1 hour Emergency: Group specific uncrossmatched red cells can be issued within 10 mins. Emergency O Neg (Uncrossmatched) available immediately. Patients eligible for electronic issue can have red cells cross matched within 10 minutes of request where a current sample is available in the laboratory.
- Turnaround times may be significantly increased if:
- Antibodies are present
- Specimens are referred to external site.
- Patient is on treatment that affects serological transfusion tests e.g. Daratumamab treatment
- Phone alert limits: Should a patient have an irregular antibody in their plasma or have a history of an antibody, the clinician will be informed by the laboratory as a delay may be unavoidable in providing antigen negative blood. Close liaison with BT laboratory is advised
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: Samples must be received within 48hrs of phlebotomy and transported at ambient temperature (18-25oC)
*Where small sample is received, additional sample may be required if patient has a positive antibody screen or requires multiple red cell units
Group and Save
(University Hospital Waterford/ UPMC Whitfield only)
- Test Name: Group and Save
- Laboratory: Blood Transfusion
- Specimen Type: EDTA
- Specimen Container: 6ml Pink Cap
- Specimen Volume: 2-6ml (Paediatric: 2ml/ Neonate <4months: 1ml)
- Specimen Requirements:
- Other details: Blood is not crossmatched for this request. A crossmatch may be requested by telephone if a valid Group and Save sample is available.
Group and Save samples are valid for 72 hours from time sample is taken initially irrespective of previous transfusion history.
Exceptions to this rule are permissible in the following circumstances only:
Placenta Praevia patients (7 day hold)
Patients with complex antibodies/patients crossmatched in IBTS Dublin (only with the authorization of Consultant Haematologist)
Other scenarios as the need may arise (only with the authorization of Consultant Haematologist)
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Routine: Daily Urgent: at all times
- Turnaround Time: Routine: 1 working day. Urgent: <4 hours Crossmatched blood can be available within 1 hour of phoned request. Turnaround times may be significantly increased if:
-Antibodies are present
-Specimens are referred to external site.
- Patient is on treatment that affects serological transfusion tests e.g. Daratumamab treatment
- Phone alert limits:
- Should a patient have an irregular antibody in their plasma or have a history of an antibody, the clinician will be informed by the laboratory as a delay may be unavoidable in
providing antigen negative blood. Close liaison with BT laboratory is advised
- All cord and maternal testing for RhD negative mothers are phoned to the post-natal ward/midwife.
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: Samples must be received within 48hrs of phlebotomy and transported at ambient temperature (18-25oC)
*Where small sample is received, additional sample may be required if patient has a positive antibody screen or requires multiple red cell units
Group and Screen (Antenatal/Non- Inpatient)
- Test Name: Group and Screen
- Laboratory: Blood Transfusion
- Specimen Type: EDTA
- Specimen Container: 6ml Pink cap
- Specimen Volume: 2-6ml *
- Specimen Requirements:
- Other details: This test is requested for determination of Blood Group and current antibody status only
- Frequency of analysis/ assay:
This test is routinely performed daily (Monday-Friday), Samples received in the laboratory before 3pm are tested the next working day
For Antenatal patients: A sample should be sent at booking. Where antibodies are detected in this sample further samples are required as follows:
Antibody Detected: Anti-D, Anti-K, Anti-c: Sample to be sent every 4 weeks until 28 weeks gestation and thereafter every 2 weeks until delivery
Other Clinically Significant Antibody Dectected: Sample to be sent at 28 weeks gestation
The laboratory will inform the relevant clinician where any deviation from this protocol is necessary
- Turnaround Time: Two working days from time of receipt in laboratory
Turnaround times may be significantly increased if:
-Antibodies are present
-Specimens are referred to external site.
- Phone alert limits:
- All antibody quantitations are phoned to the relevant clinician/surgery/clinic.
- First time antibody titres greater than or equal to 32 and/or titres where there is a significant rise from last sample (two-fold increase) are phoned to the relevant
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: Samples must be received within 48hrs of phlebotomy and transported at ambient temperature (18-25oC)
*Where small sample is received, additional sample may be required if patient has a positive antibody.
Group B Streptococcus- GBS molecular detection
- Test Name: Group B Streptococcus PCR
- Laboratory: Microbiology
- Specimen Type: Dual vaginal/rectal swab
- Specimen Container: Transystem LQ Stuart dual swab (Cephid-red topped) for PCR testing available in maternity- index R in Microbiology index of specimen containers
- Specimen Volume: N/A
- Specimen Requirements: Collected from pregnant females intrapartum
- Other details: Tests will only be performed on patients who fill the following criteria; rupture of membranes more than 18 hours before birth, rupture of membranes before the onset of labour, prematurity, intra-partum fever.
- Frequency of analysis/ assay: Urgently as soon as arrival in laboratory
- Turnaround Time: Within 2 hours of receipt in the laboratory
- Phone alert limits: All positive results are phoned to the requesting ward/clinician
- Pre
Growth Hormone
- Test Name: Growth Hormone
- Laboratory: Biochemistry Referred Test
- Specimen Type: Serum
- Specimen Container: Yellow
- Specimen Volume: 4mls
- Specimen Requirements: Send sample to lab within 3 hours.
- Other details:
- Frequency of analysis/ assay:
- Turnaround Time: 3 weeks
- Phone alert limits:
- Preanalytical stability at room temp: