[Lab Home Page] | [Biochemistry] | [Haematology] | [Microbiology] | [Histology] | [Blood Transfusion]|[Haemovigilance]
The Biochemistry Department is part of the Regional Department of Laboratory Medicine at University Hospital Waterford. The Department undertakes the analysis of clinical samples (e.g. Blood, Urine, CSF and other bodily fluids) for the measurement of various chemical compounds that are useful in the diagnosis, monitoring and prognosis of a wide range of diseases.
The laboratory offers:
- Routine biochemistry analysis
- Hormone measurement
- Therapeutic drug monitoring
- Tumour marker measurement
- Protein electrophoresis
- Sweat testing
- Miscellaneous testing (osmolality, lithium)
Over 1 million patient samples (accounting for over 9 million tests) are processed annually for the hospital, other health care institutions and general practitioners.
Dr Colleen Flannery, Consultant Chemical Pathologist is responsible for authorising the release of reports.
For information in regard to the test repertoire offered, sample types required and test turnaround times, please see the test library. Information on tests available outside of routine hours is below:
On-Call Tests
The following tests are available during on call hours:
Glucose Urea Total and Direct Bilirubin
Sodium Potassium Magnesium
Chloride CO2 Phosphorous
Creatinine EGFR CRP
Cardiac Enzymes (CPK) Troponin BNP
Liver Function Tests (ALT, BILI, ALP, TP ALB, GGT) bHCG
Calcium Corrected Calcium Uric Acid
Amylase Total Protein Albumin
Therapeutic Drugs Salicylate Paracetamol
Aminoglycosides CSF (Protein and glucose)
Tests Available by Special Request when needed in an Emergency
- Lithium
- Digoxin
- Theophylline
- Methotrexate
- Ammonia
- Cortisol
Specimen Labelling and Completion of request forms
For accurate identification of specimens it is essential that all samples be labelled properly and that request forms are filled out clearly and accurately referring to Completing the Request Form and Labelling the Specimen
In the interest of patient safety, samples that do not meet these minimum sample identification requirements cannot be accepted for analysis.
Test Library (search by Test name)
Please Note
All tests for routine biochemistry and endocrinology should be written on one request form. Generally 1 clotted specimen is sufficient for all routine Biochemistry and Endocrinology tests.