HSE Children First Compliance Assurance is provided across 3 Levels:
Level 1: Self-assessment
- Individual Services (HSE and HSE Funded) must complete the Children First Implementation and Compliance Self-Audit Checklist annually. A copy of the completed checklist should be retained and made available on request e.g. for HSE compliance assurance checks or internal audits.
- All HSE staff Grade VIII and above are required to complete key Children First Compliance Statements as part of the HSE Annual Controls Assurance Review Process (CARP) Internal Controls Questionnaire.
- HSE Funded agencies are required, as part of their Service Arrangements, to provide a declaration of compliance with Children First on an annual basis.
- Bi-annually, HSE Children First Operational Steering Committees submit a 'self-assessed' Children First Progress Update and Key Issues Arising. The HSE Children First National Office collates these reports into a national Summary of Progress Report.
Level 2: Independent Compliance Assurance Checks by the HSE Children First National Office
Conducted by the HSE Children First National Office, an annual programme of Children First Compliance Assurance Checks is carried out by HSE Children First Training and Development Officers, across a selection of HSE and HSE Funded Services. The primary aim of this process is to support and enhance child safeguarding arrangements in our services. These checks also provide an additional layer of independent assurance and governance over Children First compliance.
The HSE Children First National Office has developed a Framework for the completion of Children First Compliance Assurance Checks. The Framework aims to support consistent decision-making, and a transparent process, for conducting the Checks.
Following each cycle of checks undertaken, anonymised Overview Reports are published on this website, to share findings, promote learning and improve quality implementation across services. A copy of the Overview Reports can be found below.
Download a copy of the HSE Children First National Office Children First Compliance Assurance Framework (Microsoft Word, 83KB, 18 pages)
Level 3: Internal Audit
HSE Internal Audit may conduct thematic audits focused on Children First compliance to further ensure adherence to safeguarding protocols.
Compliance Assurance Overview Reports
Children’s Residential Disability Services | Pilot (PowerPoint, 942KB, 20 Slides)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (PowerPoint, 932KB, 20 Slides)
Children’s Disability Network Teams (PowerPoint, 933KB, 20 Slides)
Acute Hospitals | Pilot (PowerPoint, 938KB, 20 Slides)
Dental Services (PowerPoint, 928KB, 19 Slides)
Dietetics Services (PowerPoint, 931KB, 19 Slides)
Speech and Language Therapy Services (PowerPoint, 934KB, 21 Slides)
Acute Hospitals (PowerPoint, 936KB, 19 Slides)