Robust governance structures are fundamental to a successful antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programme. The local AMS team provides the vision, inspiration, and momentum to sustain and continuously improve the use of antimicrobials within an organisation. An organisational approach is required to achieve AMS goals and the local AMS team should aim to influence at the organisation level through strategic input and integration with the hospital governance structures. Making AMS a core part of governance and patient safety within the hospital is key to changing culture and behaviours. The local AMS team should actively engage with organisational and clinical leaders within the organisation to gain support for AMS interventions. The HSE AMRIC governance toolkit aims to provide supports to local AMS teams to establish robust local governance structures to support local AMS activities. The HSE AMRIC antimicrobial stewardship guidance for all healthcare settings 2022 informed the content of the governance toolkit.
HSE AMRIC Governance Implementation Tool
- A checklist for local AMS teams to identify if comprehensive local AMS governance is in place.
HSE AMRIC Template Terms of Reference for AMS Committee
- A template terms of reference to define the purpose and structures of the local AMS oversight committee.
HSE AMRIC Template AMS Annual Plan
- A template AMS annual action plan to facilitate local AMS teams constructing an annual plan for AMS, outlining aims and objectives for the year and assigning tasks to team members.
HSE AMRIC Template AMS Annual Report
- A template AMS annual report to facilitate local AMS teams producing an annual AMS report to act as a summation of local AMS activities for dissemination to local stakeholders.
HSE AMRIC Defined Daily Dosage Calculator
- An excel calculator tool used to calculate defined daily doses/100 bed days used (DDD/100BDU). This tool is to facilitate local AMS teams calculate consumption for a targeted antimicrobial of interest.
Updated: January 2025