Information Materials


2023/2024 School Programme

In January 2024 school teams will deliver consent packs to your child's school. Your child will bring the consent pack home. Please read the information carefully and sign the consent form in the pack.

Each pack contains: 

Information booklet English (1,034kb) | Irish (898kb) |  Arabic (208kb) | French (151kb) | Polish (226kb) | Lithuanian (187kb) | Latvian (190kb) | Pashto (192kb) | Albanian (152kb) | Romanian (187kb) | Russian (205kb) | Ukrainian (204kb) | Somali  (153kb) | Dari (236kb) | Georgian (199kb) | Urdu (209kb)

Letter to parents and guardians English (100kb) | Irish (98kb)

Consent Form English (166kb) | Irish (174kb) | Ukrainian (404kb)

The pack also contains an envelope so you can send the completed consent form back to the school with your child before the school immunisation team visits. 


After your child is vaccinated they will be given:

Post Vaccination Advice English (523kb) | Irish (524kb) | Russian (168kb) | Ukrainian (168kb)

You can contact the school immunisation team if you have any questions


Poster  English (5.1mb)

The vaccine used in the school programme in Ireland is called Gardasil9. It is manufactured by MSD. The licensed documents for each vaccines the Summary of Product Characteristics and the Patient Information Leaflet are available from the HPRA Website.


Information for HSE School Teams 

Medicine Protocol for the School Immunisation Programme


This page was updated on 2nd January 2024