Health Services in South Lee, Cork South

We provide a wide range of health and personal social services to Cork South Lee. The South Lee PCC administrative headquarters is currently based in St. Finbarr's Hospital, Douglas Road, Cork.

Phone: (021) 496 5511

Fax: (021) 496 6563

Drug Payment Scheme (DPS) for Cork City and County is dealt with in Skibbereen. Phone 028 40587. Address: DPS, West Cork Local Office, HSE, Coolnagarrane Skibbereen Co. Cork

Long Term Illness, Blind Welfare Allowance and Maternity and Infant Schemes for Cork City and County are dealt with in North Cork Local Health Office on Floor 2, Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre, Mallow. 

Phone: 022 58700

Hardship Scheme for Cork City and County is dealt with in Skibbereen.

Phone: 028 40416

Fax: 02840516