Provision of GP Visit Cards to children aged 6 and 7 and to all of those earning no more than the median income

The Department of Health, the HSE and the Irish Medical Organisation concluded Agreement on a range of measures, including but not limited to, the extension of eligibility to GP Visit Cards to:

  • individuals and families whose annual earnings do not exceed the median income
  • all children aged 6 and 7 years

To avail of the terms of this Agreement (including the fee rate increases provided for therein) existing GMS GPs are required to submit and return to the HSE a completed and signed Notice of Participation Form in respect of their participation in the provision of General Medical Services to patients who qualify for a GP Visit Card under the median income provision and child patients aged 6 to 7 years. 

Patient registration process

The patient registration process is starting with child patients aged 6 to 7 years on 11 August 2023.

GPs who have an interest in providing this service can sign and return the Notice of Participation Form before 9 August 2023. The HSE will continue to process Notice of Participation Forms received after this date.

Send signed forms by email to