Change Guide - Educational resources

Change Guide eLearning programme

Organisation Development - Improving Change Capacity has developed an eLearning Programme to accompany the Health Services Change Guide. This is part of our continued commitment to improve capacity for change and innovation. People are at the centre of all our change initiatives. The Health Service Change Guide focuses in particular on ‘People’s Need Defining Change’.

This eLearning Programme takes you through all you need to know about people and culture change in 4 accessible modules. It provides you with practical help including tools and resources to support your service improvements and is relevant for staff at all levels. It aims to build your capacity, skills and confidence for delivering positive change in a complex environment such as health and social care.

By the end of the eLearning Programme you will be able to:

  • focus on creating the conditions and readiness for change and service improvements, using the people and culture change platform
  • understand how best to engage with all the people who will be impacted by the change
  • use the key change activities to define what needs to change, design a better service and deliver on key results for service users and staff
  • understand how to apply the learning in practice to deliver positive change and innovation
  • use the tools and templates to help you deliver safer better healthcare
  • Access the eLearning Programme by logging on to HSeLanD. Go to the course catalogue section and search for Delivering Change in Health Services - complete guide

CPD Certificate - Delivering Change in Health Services (12 CPD Points)

The CPD Certificate - Delivering Change in Health Services is a collaboration between HSE Organisation Development - Improving Change Capacity and the RCSI Institute of Leadership (RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences).  The CPD Certificate is underpinned and supported by the Health Services Change Guide and associated eLearning Programme. Completion of the eLearning Programme is a prerequisite to advancing to the CPD Certificate Programme.

Once you have completed the eLearning Programme you are required to identify a change challenge within your service and apply the learning, knowledge, skills and tools to your service improvement in collaboration with your service manager and team colleagues. The application of learning to your change challenge can take place over 9 months from completion of the eLearning programme. You are then required to complete a Learning Review Template which demonstrates how you applied your learning in practice and how you engaged with your service/team. To apply for the CPD Certificate and 12 CPD Points you need to submit the following documentation:

  • Completed Learning Review Template
  • Completed Verification Form signed and dated by the Applicant and Line Manager
  • A copy of your eLearning Programme Certificate of Completion from HSeLanD (must be within 9 months of the application)

Submissions are accepted throughout the year and validated quarterly and your application is submitted to

Following verification, your CPD Certificate will be issued to you by RCSI Institute of Leadership/HSE OD Improving Change Capacity. Please contact us at 046 925 1466 if you have any questions on the process.

The CPD Certificate - Delivering Change in Health Services is available to all healthcare personnel who wish to develop as change leaders and to lead their teams to introduce innovative practices to deliver better outcomes for service users.  It welcomes everyone in health and social care including community and voluntary sectors - nurses and midwives, medical staff, health and social care professionals, business/administrative professionals, leaders and managers, frontline staff and academic faculties.  It will also be of interest to change and improvement practitioners and will complement the people approaches for all who currently practice quality improvement, project approaches. 

Change Consultation Clinic

Have you a specific ‘change challenge’ you would value support with?

The Change Consultation Clinic is facilitated by experienced HSE Organisation Development Practitioners, Change and Innovation Team, Kells. Co Meath.

People’s Needs Defining Change- Health Services Change Guide informs our practitioners’ practice. It is the essential guide to change, mapping out a step-by-step approach and also assisting you address the ‘messiness of change’.

The Change Guide researched in the context of Ireland is evidence based. It is the policy framework and agreed approach to change signed off by HSE Leadership and co-sponsored and agreed with the Trade Unions.

The pre-registration questions focus on your service and a live change challenge you would like to consult on.

To register for the NEW Change Consultation Clinic:

  1. Email with subject line: Change Consultation Clinic to register.
  2. We will send you a short questionnaire to enable the OD practitioners to better understand your service and your specific change challenge.
  3. When we receive the completed questionnaire, we will confirm your place and time for a one-to-one session.

Please note there are limited places so early registration is advised.

When and where

Clinics will run from 10am to 1pm; your appointment time will be agreed directly with you by the Organisation Development and Change Practitioner assigned to your application and clinics are held virtually.

Schedule for change consultation clinics in 2025 (2nd Thursday of the month except for July and August):

  • 9 January
  • 13 February
  • 13 March
  • 10 April
  • 8 May
  • 12 June
  • 11 September
  • 9 October
  • 13 November
  • 11 December



You can follow us on twitter @HSEchange_guide

Phone: 046 925 1466

Literature Review

The Change Guide is supported by a Literature Review - Understanding Change in Complex Health Systems, completed by the Centre for Health Policy and Management, Trinity College Dublin. It presents an academic appraisal of current literature on change management in health and social care systems. An important theme reflected in this literature is ‘engagement’ which emphasises the people and culture aspects of change management which are presented in greater detail in the Health Services Change Guide.

Organisation Development and Design – Update on Service Offerings 2023/2024

As core members of the Health Regions Programme Team, the National OD&D service continues to support change and innovation throughout the system. This presentation outlines our key commitments and also profiles service offerings. There are also practical examples of our OD work in practice with a variety of national programmes. We look forward to continuing to progress Health Region reforms through context specific OD interventions focused on service design and integration to meet future service needs.

Organisation Development Design (PDF, size 5 MB, 24 pages)

Further resources

The Health Services Change Guide also provides practical support through guidance, templates and resources. You can use these for your needs in a local context. In the Change Guide you will find the following: