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Application forms for funding

Application form for renewal of funding in respect of an existing Grant Aid Agreement  (version September 2023)
This is the standard HSE application form to be completed by Agencies applying to the HSE for renewal of funding in relation to the delivery of health and personal social services.

Application form for new funding in respect of a Grant Aid Agreement or a Service Arrangement (version September 2023)
This is the standard HSE application form to be completed by Agencies applying to the HSE for the first time in respect of funding in relation to the delivery of health and personal social services.

Supplementary Information Staffing Template
This is an Excel template which can be utilised to set out detailed staffing information relevant to an application.

Governance Self Evaluation Questionnaire
In addition to the application form, a governance self-evaluation questionnaire is required to be completed where the funding applied for is in excess of €50k (revised for 2025).