Expert Panel Review of Cervical Screening

Last updated: 29/03/2019

In May 2018, the Minister for Health commissioned an independent Expert Panel Review of Cervical Screening, as part of the response to issues concerning CervicalCheck – The HSE National Cervical Screening Programme.

The review is being led by an Expert Panel of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in the UK, with expertise also sourced through the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology. 

The review is being conducted independently of the HSE. The HSE’s role in this process is to logistically support the Expert Panel in completing its work. A significant amount of work was completed by the HSE to facilitate the RCOG review.


The purpose of the review is to provide women who participated in CervicalCheck and who developed cervical cancer (including microinvasive) with independent clinical assurance about the timing of their diagnosis and treatment. The Expert Panel will endeavour to determine, wherever possible, any failures to prevent cancer or to intervene at an earlier stage.

The Expert Panel will prepare individual written summary reports for those women affected, setting out the facts and their expert and independent assessment of those facts.

An aggregated or summary report will also be made to the Minister for Health for publication when the review is complete. It will include recommendations, where appropriate, with the aim of improving care for women. 

Reports from the RCOG Expert Panel Review of cervical screening

The HSE has written to more than 1,000 women or their families who agreed to take part in the RCOG Expert Panel Review of cervical screening.

The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), in the UK, is leading the independent review.

The review was set up by the Department of Health. Its aim is to provide women who took part in CervicalCheck, and who developed cervical cancer, with independent clinical assurance about the timing of their diagnosis and treatment.

Go to  Reports from the RCOG Expert Panel Review of cervical screening for more details on the independent review.

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