Good Information Practices

You play a crucial role in keeping our information safe and protecting our IT systems from cyber attack. To help you with this, we have created an e-learning module on HSE Land called 'Good Information Practices'.

This course contains essential information for all HSE employees and only takes 20 minutes to complete. It will:

  • refresh your knowledge of good information practices
  • help you to handle information in a secure way
  • make you aware of legislation and regulations relating to handling information

All managers should ensure their teams are given time to complete the course.

The course is also available to people outside the HSE.

Complete the Good information practices module on HSE Land

Finding the course

Log in to HSE Land > Click 'My Learning' in the left-hand menu > enter 'Good information practices' into the 'Search Learning Catalogues' search bar.

The course will be the first one in the search results.

If you don't have an account, you can register with HSE Land

Think before you click

Emails that appear to be innocent, could be hiding a potential threat - be vigilant.

Genuine and safe emails do not:

  • ask for your password or login details
  • offer prizes from linked websites
  • ask for your bank details

If you don't know the source, don't click the link.

Contact IT

If you’re worried about any unusual activity on your work computer or smart phone, contact the National Service Desk immediately on 0818 300 300.