our health service
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The HSE Youth Health Service (YHS) today celebrated 20 years of providing sexual health support, services, education and information to young people across Cork; with all services provided free of charge.
National Services Day was marked by the HSE in the South East at the weekend.
GP Practice Nurses from across counties Carlow, Kilkenny, Waterford, Wexford and South Tipperary have attended a Study Day hosted in Kilkenny titled “Integrated Learning: Enhancing Integrated Care in Chronic Disease Management”.
The HSE has marked the “highly commended” designation given to a Co. Wexford based project in the most recent national Health Service Excellence Awards.
The HSE’s Substance Misuse Team in Waterford were delighted to host a visit to their premises at St. Otteran’s Hospital by the Minister of State at the Dept. of Health with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy Colm Burke TD.
The HSE/South East Community Healthcare’s Dept. of Psychiatry in Waterford has joined in the implementation of the national “RESIST” hand hygiene campaign.
The theme for Palliative Care week this year is You, Me and Palliative Care.
The HSE/South East Community Healthcare’s Aidan’s Psychiatry of Later Life Unit in the Waterford Residential Care Centre has joined in the implementation of the national “RESIST” hand hygiene campaign.
As part of an ongoing programme of activities and events in the HSE’s Cashel Residential Older Persons Services, the opportunity was taken during the summer to mark Safeguarding awareness.