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About the Irish Health System
A guide for refugees and other migrants
Videos on healthcare in Ireland
Watch videos about the Irish healthcare system and common health topics:
Getting medical care in Ireland
Learn about what to do if you feel unwell, including the following:
- when to see a GP (family doctor)
- getting medical care in the evening or at weekends
- what to do in an emergency
Medical card
If you have a medical card, you do not have to pay to see your doctor or pay for medicines your doctor prescribes.
Learn about the medical card in Ireland, including the following:
- healthcare covered by the medical card
- applying for a medical card
What a GP does
Learn about GPs (family doctors) in Ireland, including the following:
- medical care provided by GPs
- opening times of GP clinics
Mental Health and mental wellbeing
Advice on mental wellbeing and information on getting the help you need including
- things you can do when you are feeling stressed or anxious
- where to find supports, both in person and online
Care for your teeth, eyes and hearing
Learn about how to get care for your teeth, eyes and hearing in Ireland.
Scabies Information
Learn about types of contraception available in Ireland. You can get contraception through a GP or family planning clinic. You can also get emergency contraception in a pharmacy without a prescription.
Pregnancy services
You can get pregnancy care for free in Ireland. Learn about the care you can get throughout your pregnancy and after the birth.
COVID-19 and pregnancy
Learn about COVID-19 and pregnancy, including the following:
- risks to you and your baby if you get COVID-19 during pregnancy
- getting a COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy
- COVID-19 vaccine safety
Early pregnancy
Learn about the care you can get early in your pregnancy, including the following:
- where to get pregnancy care
- unplanned pregnancy options - contact information for free abortion services, listening support, counselling and post abortion support
- looking after your health in early pregnancy
Late pregnancy and preparing for birth
Learn about the care you can get late in your pregnancy, including the following:
- staying healthy in late pregnancy
- regular pregnancy checks
- when to get urgent help
- signs you are going into labour
Looking after your newborn baby
Learn about caring for a newborn baby, including the following:
- information on feeding and bathing
- why babies cry and what you can do to soothe them
- baby sleep patterns and tips for safe sleeping
- routine health checks
Learn about the benefits of breastfeeding for you and your baby, and how to start breastfeeding.
Mother’s health after birth
Learn about the physical and emotional changes that happen after giving birth and the care you can get.
HSE National Screening Service
CervicalCheck - HPV cervical screening
Bowel Screen
Video content created by the National Social Inclusion Office of the Health Service Executive (HSE) with Translate Ireland, the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP), and other healthcare workers. My Health, My Language is the winner of the Equality Initiative of the Year award at the Irish Healthcare Awards 2022.