Health Improvement

About our Health Improvement team

Our team:

  • aims to improve population health and wellbeing through addressing the wider underlying determinants of health, including social and commercial influences, that impact health across the lifecourse
  • focuses on health equity, defined by the World Health Organisation as “the absence of unfair, avoidable and remediable differences in health status among groups of people… health equity is achieved when everyone can achieve their full potential for health and wellbeing”
  • works with those who experience inequalities, deprivation and other disadvantage: as the causes of inequalities are complex and unevenly distributed actions need to focus on improving the health of those with the poorest health outcomes first - this is called proportionate universalism
  • uses rights-based approaches
  • has an evidence-based approach with an emphasis on evaluation, impact, effectiveness and research
  • advocates for Health in all Policies working across sectors working in partnership with communities and individuals
  • contributes to national policy actions

Our Operational and Strategic Plan

The Public Health - Health Improvement Operational and Strategic Plan 2025, sets out the strategic and operational priorities of the National Public Health - Health Improvement team over 2025, working closely with Public Health - Health Improvement colleagues in the regions. It includes our vision, mission, values, and outlines the frameworks that will guide our efforts in tackling our priority public health challenges: health inequalities, mental health, health behaviours, and the structural determinants of health.

You can read our plan by clicking on the links below:

Contact us

The Health Improvement team can be contacted by emailing

Last updated 14/03/2025