New Directions - Latest Updates

Monitoring system for the Interim Standards

The HSE in partnership with NDA and Umbrella bodies is developing an outcomes-focused monitoring system to support the implementation of New Directions.

A Steering Group was convened and a Project Plan was developed and approved in March 2023. The objective of the project is to: “Develop a monitoring system to assess day services’ progress towards achievement of the Interim Standards for New Directions to assist stakeholders to deliver services and supports in accordance with the vision and stated objectives outlined in the New Directions and the Value for Money reports.”

We are conducting consultations to inform the development of the outcomes-focused monitoring system. There are 4 strands of consultations which will take place in Q3 2024:

  1. Adults who attend day services
  2. Family members
  3. Direct Support Staff
  4. Interim Standards Organisational Leads

Read more about Outcomes-focused Monitoring System for the New Directions Interim Standards (PDF, size 137.7 KB, 6 pages)

New Person-Centred Planning Resources (May 2024)

The core values of New Directions are Person-Centeredness, Community Inclusion, Active Citizenship and Quality. The HSE, people attending services and providers have worked together to develop accessible resources that will help everyone to understand what person-centred planning means for them. This includes information on person-centred planning, understanding what is important to the person, and how person-centred planning works for the person, family and friends, and staff working in HSE funded disability services. 

Access resources on Person-Centred Planning

eLearning Module for Person-Centred Planning (May 2024)

This eLearning module is for all management and staff working in HSE funded Adult Disability Day Services. It provides staff with the skills to effectively develop person-centred planning with the person supported. It is also a resource for all HSE adult disability services. This eLearning module is available on HSEland.

eLearning Module for New Directions

This eLearning module is for all management and staff working in HSE funded Adult Disability Day Services. The eLearning Module for New Directions - Putting New Directions into Practice enables the learner to learn about the 12 supports and core values of New Directions, how to apply good practice in services and provide quality supports to people with disabilities.