Blood Transfusion Turnaround Times

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Product Turn-Around Times

Blood Product/ Component Issue Time


Time to Issue

Specimen Required


Red Cells

Routine: < 5 hours

Urgent: within one hour

Electronic Issue: 10 minutes (for Eligible patients if valid sample available in lab)

 6ml Pink Capped EDTA vacuette

Volume: 2-6ml

(Paediatric: 2ml/ Neonate (<4months): 1ml)

Please refer to Group and Crossmatch Test profile for details on sample validity and other information

Turnaround times may be significantly increased if: -Antibodies are present -Specimens are referred to an external site.

Uncrossmatched Red Cells

Emergency O Neg: 4units available at all times in issue fridge

Group Specific: Available in 10 minutes


Emergency: 5mins (if in stock)

Urgent: 20mins -1hour (dependant on sample availability) 3 hours (when ordered from IBTS) Routine: 6 hours

6ml Pink Cap EDTA Vacuette


Volume: 2-6ml

(Paediatric: 2ml/ Neonate (<4months): 1ml)

1 x ARhD Pos platelet is routinely held in stock in the laboratory.

Non-emergency requests for platelets are ordered per patient from the IBTS and orders should be placed in advance (if possible) as delivery will take approximately 3-6 hours

Human Pooled Plasma (Octaplas)

Urgent: 30 mins Routine: 1 hour/ as per time requested

Supplied as Ligand Gel Solvent Detergent Pooled Plasma


Urgent/Emergency: 5 mins

Routine: 1 hour/ as per time requested


Requests outside Emergency/ MHP event must be discussed with Consultant Haematologist before issue

Please refer to product SPC for the most up to date information, advice and cautions.

Human Albumin

Urgent/ Emergency: 5 mins Routine: 1 hour/ as per time requested


4 x 50g/dl emergency stock available in issue fridge

4 x 50g/dl emergency stock available in theatre fridge

Anti-D Immunoglobulin

Urgent: 20min-1 hour (dependant on sample availability) Routine: 6 hours/ as per time requested

6ml Pink Capped EDTA vacuette


Volume: 2-6ml

Please refer to Group and Crossmatch Test profile for details on sample validity and other information


Prothrombin Complex Concentrate (Octaplex)

Urgent/Emergency: 5 mins

Routine: 1 hour/ as per time requested


Advice from Consultant Haematologist must be sought for dosage. PCC should not be used for reversal of Warfarin in non-emergency situations

Maximum dosage: 3000IU

Please refer to product SPC for the most up to date information, advice and cautions.

Factor Concentrates

Urgent/Emergency: 5 mins

Routine: 1 hour/ as per time requested


Requests for factor concentrates must be discussed with the Consultant Haematologist before issue

Please refer to product SPC for the most up to date information, advice and cautions.

Praxbind (idarucizumab)

Urgent/Emergency: 5 mins

Routine: 1 hour/ as per time requested


Consultant Haematologist must approve the release of this drug. Advice must be sought for dosage.  Please refer to product SPC for the most up to date information, advice and cautions.

Ondexxya (Andexanet Alfa) 

Urgent/Emergency: 5 mins

Routine: 1 hour/ as per time requested


Consultant Haematologist must approve the release of this drug. Advice must be sought for dosage. Please refer to product SPC for the most up to date information, advice and cautions.

The above list of turnaround times is provided as a guide only and times may be significantly shorter or longer depending on the clinical scenario. Please contact the transfusion laboratory if you require specific guidance

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