Blood Transfusion On Call Service

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 Blood Transfusion Laboratory on Call Hours as follows:

Monday-Thursday: Each evening 8PM until 8AM and 

Friday evening 8PM until Monday Morning 8AM

On-call testing in the transfusion laboratory is performed on emergency or urgent samples.

On call staff must be contacted via the switchboard

Normal procedures apply to completion of Blood Transfusion Request forms and samples during on call hours.

See webpage regarding Specimen Labeling and Completion of Request forms

Requests for emergency issue of blood must be accompanied by a phone call to the medical scientist on call.

In the event of an EXTREME EMERGENCY (i.e. Activation of the Hospital Major Haemhorrage Protocol)  the medical scientist on call can be contacted by mobile telephone at +353 87 228 4022
Calls to this number are monitored and should not be used inappropriately. 

Work for elective procedures must be sent during routine hours on the last working day prior to theatre. Testing of these samples will not be performed during on call hours.