Our vision in AMRIC is that all national antimicrobial prescribing and infection management guidance for both acute and community healthcare will be available on www.antibioticprescribing.ie .
This website was created initially for antibiotic prescribing guidelines for treatment of community infections and is a key reference source for GPs, dentists and community pharmacists. Our goal is to work with relevant hospital colleagues to develop the same approach to providing guidance and information for hospital practitioners. As an interim measure national guidance applicable to the acute healthcare setting will be added to this page. Other sections of the website are also relevant to the acute setting when treating community infections.
We plan to develop www.antibioticprescribing.ie as an interactive platform incorporating guidance for both acute and community based health services. These developments and enhancements will be dependent on guideline development and a redesign of the website in accordance with the HSE Digital Roadmap that defines the reworking of all HSE online presence.
Surgical antibiotic prophylaxis
Treatment guidance
Individual agent advice
Antimicrobial stewardship guidance and resources
National Annual Antimicrobial Point Prevalence Survey Acute Hospitals - Reports
Updated August 2024, minor update January 2025