Emotional Wellbeing Resources for Post Primary School Teachers


MindOut is a Social and Emotional Wellbeing Programme for Senior Cycle students. It aims to enable students to achieve positive outcomes in school, work and life in general. The programme was revised in 2017 using up to date evidence and research along with feedback from teachers and students. MindOut is suitable for Transition Year or 5th year pupils and is designed to be implemented within a single 35-40 minute class period over 12 weeks, using interactive learning methods.

N.B. The MindOut Manual is only available with training. The manual is available in both English and Irish.

Teachers can attend either:

  • 1 day in person training to support the delivery of the Mindout programme. This is suitable for all teachers. Book Here.
  • 2 hour online training. This is only suitable for teachers experienced in teaching SPHE. Book Here.

MindOut Resources

Mindout Slides
MindOut Coping Cards
Whole School Resources

Suicide Prevention Training

The HSE National Office for Suicide Prevention works with the HSE Regional Resource Officers for Suicide Prevention to provide training in ASSIT and SafeTalk for teachers.

Referral pathways for Mental Health Services

The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) has set out a standard procedure for how children and young people are referred to CAMHS. For more information visit here.