2024 - A year in review
A Message from the National Clinical Director for Integrated Care
As HSE National Clinical Director for Integrated Care, I am delighted to publish our Clinical Design and Innovation Year in Review for 2024.
The overall aim of CDI is to design and support the implementation of clinical models of care and pathways ensuring everyone has equitable and transparent access to high quality care, where and when they need it. 33 National Clinical Programmes and 4 service improvement initiatives are supported by national clinical design teams to work with staff across the HSE and patients and service users to co-design value conscious, and evidence-informed clinical designs. Informed by the latest innovations, best practice and technologies, clinical designs for integrated health and social care will enable better outcomes for our patients and service users, by delivering safe, timely and efficient services as close to home as possible.
The population of Ireland is growing, and people are living longer. This review provides an insight into the breadth and complexity of our innovative clinical design work to make the necessary transformative improvements to keep up with this increased demand and meet the needs of our entire population.
Some key achievements last year include:
- Publication of 13 evidence-based clinical designs, comprising 3 models of care, 8 guidelines, 1 Framework and 1 decision support tool.
- Enablement of the implementation the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015, through the provision of clinical leadership at local, regional and national level. Regions and individual services have been supported through training, mentorship and wide stakeholder engagement.
- Stroke Early Supported Discharge (ESD) Teams increased - There are now 11 operational ESD teams nationally. ESD Teams, providing specialised stroke rehabilitation in the home, led to an 8% increase in discharges to home (766 in 2022 compared to 827 in 2023).
- Congenital Cytomegalovirus pathway implemented in all 19 maternity units nationally.
- Dual diagnosis specialist adult services expanded, with the roll out of two new units across HSE South-West and Mid-West regions.
- Critical Care Outreach (patients review on discharge to wards) - In 2024, there was expansion of coverage in existing services, which are now in place across 14 Acute Hospitals.
- In 2023, there were 60,000 episodes of care. Impacts to date include a reduction in In Hospital Cardiac Arrests by 50%.
Palliative Care Needs Assessment eLearning Programme rolled out, with 1,727 participants having completed the course in 2024.
Dermatology See and Treat clinics implemented at four sites nationally, providing same day consultation and biopsy, resulting in removal of 1,560 patients from dermatology outpatient waiting lists last year.
I invite you to continue reading to learn about many more achievements and successful outcomes throughout 2024.
Dr. Siobhán Ní Bhriain
National Clinical Director, Integrated Care