To ask the Minister for Health further to Parliamentary Question Nos. 408 to 412 of 2 July 2024, and the responses received from the HSE for same which repeatedly stated that it is at local management’s discretion to request medical certificates at alternative intervals, if he will outline, given that the HSE HR Circular 014 2018 Appendix B states that a manager should take into consideration their approach in other cases and most notably, “the need for consistency of approach”, the action taken by the HSE’s National HR Office to ensure that there is consistency in the approach taken by local managers and their departments in the requesting of sick certificates and the implementation of CIP; if any action or review process is taken if inconsistencies are found in approaches taken and decisions made; if the HSE’s National HR Office takes a proactive approach to ensure that there is a general level of consistency in local managerial approaches to the CIP, or at the very least, the handling of similar cases that arise under the CIP, across the service; if not, the reason therefor; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
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