The HSE provides a wide range of services for people growing older in Ireland.
Support is also available from other agencies, such as:
- the Department of Social Protection
- Local Authorities
- voluntary organisations
Home Support Services - services provided by the HSE to help an older person to be cared for at home
Meals on Wheels ( - Find information and contact details for some of the closest Meals on Wheels Network providers to you. Use the Meals on Wheels interactive map (
Exercises for older people - exercises that can you can do at home
Nursing Homes Support Scheme - information on the new Nursing Homes Support Scheme (Fair Deal)
Protecting Older People - how to spot elder abuse and what to do if you are worried
Home Support Approved Providers - Check the list of approved Home Care Package Providers
Benefits and Financial Entitlements - Medical cards, respite care grants and more
Residential Care - information about respite care and public and private nursing and residential care services
Older People Services where you live - a list of older people services provided in your local health office, that you can access through your GP or Public Health Nurse
Patients' Private Property Accounts - find out how the HSE administers residential clients' money
Service Arrangement documents - Home Support Service Tender documents
Get support when you’re older
You can get advice, help, tips and access to support groups and events from any of the following: