Current News
Launch of Dual Training Specialties of Medicine Workforce in Ireland Report

NDTP are delighted to announce the publication of this review of the Higher Specialist Training (HST) requirements for the Dual-Training Specialties of Medicine. The report is a collaboration between National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP) and the individual clinical programmes, National Specialty Directors and the Institute of Medicine. The main aim of this report is to recommend the number of Higher Specialist Training places for the next five years. The report recommends expanding the intake of Higher Specialist Trainees from 81 in 2023 to 117 in 2030. This will result in the total number of HST trainees in these specialties expanding from 408 to 585. The recommendations are based on an assessment of current unmet demand and projected future demand growth for consultants. Current unmet demand for consultants in 9 specialties covered in this report is estimated at 24% and ongoing growth in demand is estimated at 2.5% per annum.
Read the Dual Training Specialties of Medicine Medical Workforce Report and other specialty reports here.
Launch of Emergency Medicine Workforce in Ireland Report

NDTP are delighted to announce the publication of the Emergency Medicine Workforce in Ireland 2024-2038. This expert-informed document quantifies the demand for consultants in Emergency Medicine in Ireland over the next 15 years and outlines the required specialty training roadmap to meet this target and sustain the workforce. The recommendation from the National Emergency Medicine Programme is that Ireland should increase the ratio of patients to consultants in hospital emergency departments to bring the workforce in line with international recommendations. This consultant-delivered service will enable the implementation of enhanced care pathways designed by the clinical programme, as well as HSE structural reforms such as the National Trauma Strategy and the HSE Health Regions. Furthermore, the projections herein reflect the anticipated increase in demands for unscheduled care over the next 15 years resulting from Ireland’s ageing population. The Emergency Medicine Workforce in Ireland 2024-2038 was developed by NDTP with the National Emergency Medicine Programme, the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), and the Irish Association for Emergency Medicine (IAEM).
Read the Emergency Medicine Workforce in Ireland Report and other specialty reports here.
NDTP is thrilled to launch!
This website provides valuable information and resources for those interested in working and training as a doctor in Ireland. We hope this website will inform people about the dynamic and fulfilling work opportunities available in the Irish Health System.

Visit to learn about:
- Planning your medical career
- The different medical specialties available
- Moving to Ireland to train or work as a doctor
- The different supports, scholarships and programmes available
Visit the website here:
This website is a collaborative project between NDTP and The Forum of Postgraduate Training Bodies.
Pictured are Dr Lenin Patrick Ekpotu (National Lead NCHD) and Prof Anthony O’Regan (Medical Director, NDTP).
Launch of Surgery Medical Workforce in Ireland Report
NDTP are delighted to announce the publication of the Surgery Medical Workforce in Ireland 2024-2038. This report was launched by Mr. Ken Mealy, Clinical Lead, National Clinical Programme for Surgery at the NDTP National Medical Workforce Conference. This expert-informed document quantifies the demand for surgeons in Ireland over the next 15 years and outlines the necessary specialty training roadmap to meet this requirement. The recommendation from the various national clinical programmes for surgery is that the workforce should grow from 13.2 WTE surgeons per 100,000 of the population to approximately 19.6 surgeons per 100,000 of the population by 2038 to align with consultant-delivered services, HSE structural reforms, enhanced care pathways, and international standards. The report was developed by NDTP with the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, the National Clinical Programme in Surgery (NCPS) and the National Clinical Programme for Trauma & Orthopedic Surgery (NCPT&O).
Read the Surgery Medical Workforce in Ireland report and other specialty reports here.
NDTP National Medical Workforce Conference 2024
On the 7th of November, NDTP hosted the NDTP National Medical Workforce Conference 2024. Attendees heard from international and national speakers as they explored the theme ‘The Evolving Medical Workforce: Planning for the Future’.
Agenda is available here.
Read NDTP's Annual Report 2023
In this report, you will find the key activities, achievements and initiatives in 2023. These activities align with NDTP's strategic objectives set out within the Strategic Plan 2022-2027.
Read the NDTP Annual Report 2023
Work as a Doctor in Ireland - NCHD Guide has been updated
Whether you are a doctor coming to work in Ireland for the first time or you are a doctor that is currently working or training in the Irish Health Service, this guide will have loads of useful information for doctors at all stages of their career.
The ‘Working as a Doctor in Ireland – NCHD Guide’ was created by NDTP in collaboration with Medical Manpower Manager representation, NCHD representation, and Employee Relations. The guide is divided into a number of chapters for ease of navigation:
1. Introduction
2. Understanding the Irish Health Service
3. Coming to Work in Ireland
4. Before you Start work in Ireland
5. Employment Legislation & Mandatory Training
6. Funding Supports
7. Fellowships & Scholarships
8. Health & Wellness
9. Other Opportunities
10. Useful Links & Resources
Please see the guide below and make sure to share it with your colleagues.
Download the Work as a Doctor in Ireland - NCHD Guide
Medical Workforce Analysis Report 2023-2024 Launched
NDTP are delighted to announce the launch of our Annual Medical Workforce Analysis Report for 2023-2024. This report gives an overview of the publicly funded medical workforce in Ireland for 2023 as well as highlighting changes in the workforce over recent years.
Some of the main findings are:
- 12% increase in the overall number of Consultants employed
- 16% growth in the number of Consultants employed in Model 3 Hospitals
- 4% growth in the number of doctors in training i.e. those doctors undertaking Basic Specialist Training (BST), Higher Specialist Training (HST)
- 21% increase in the number of doctors in non-training posts between December 2022 and December 2023
Check out Download the Medical Workforce Analysis Report (PDF)
Happy National Doctors Day 2024!
Happy National Doctors Day from National Doctors Training and Planning! On the 30th of March, we show recognition and appreciation for the valuable role doctors play in our healthcare!
Below is a message from Prof. Brian Kinirons, NDTP Medical Director and Dr Seán Casey & Dr Daniel Creegan, NDTP National Lead NCHDs for National Doctors Day:
“Doctors, We celebrate National Doctors Day this year on 30th March. We recognise, celebrate and take the time to appreciate the valuable role doctors play in healthcare. Thank you for all that you do to keep patients and our community healthy. NDTP is committed to supporting the training, professional development, and working experience of doctors in the Irish healthcare system.”
At this link you will find a leaflet which celebrates you, our doctors, and shares important information for doctors about financial and educational supports, consultant roles, research and pilot schemes that are underway, as well as some dates to add to your diary.
Annual Medical Retention Report 2023 Launched
NDTP are proud to announce the launch of the inaugural Annual Medical Retention Report. This report, an update and extension of a previous article published by NDTP in early 2023, will be published on an annual basis going forward. While there have been concerns about the retention of Irish trained doctors from many years, there has been a paucity of data to accurately describe the complex flows of doctors moving in and out of Ireland as they progress through the various stages of training and on to Consultant posts. This report aims to quantify these flows and presents a range of strategies to improve retention rates.
Download the Annual Medical Retention Report 2023
Anaesthesiology Medical Workforce in Ireland 2023-2038
Increases in both training and consultant Anaesthesiology numbers projected to 2038 are presented in the findings of a report from NDTP and the NCPA.
Launch of Model 3 Hospitals – Consultant Recruitment & Retention Report
The Model 3 hospital project was established by National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP), in association with Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), to investigate challenges in the recruitment and retention of consultants across all specialties in Model 3 hospitals and to make recommendations to address the issues identified.
NDTP is pleased to now publish the Model 3 Hospitals – Consultant Recruitment & Retention Report which Health Minister Stephen Donnelly TD is officially launching at NDTP’s medical workforce conference on 9th November 2023.
Quotes from the report include:
“If we do not undertake measures to improve the recruitment of consultants for Model 3 hospitals, it will undoubtedly impact negatively on our ability to deliver safe and effective patient care in the medium term. I am therefore pleased to see that the report makes several key recommendations to mitigate these impending challenges. “
Dr Colm Henry, Chief Clinical Officer, Health Service Executive (HSE)
“Evidence of this is clear in the fact that the Model 3 network has more non-permanent posts and more consultants with general registration than the Model 4 network...On our site visits around the Model 3 network, I have been impressed with the ambition shown at multiple sites to deliver a high-quality service. Those whose task it is to recruit and provide this service know, more than most, the challenges that await. “
Prof Brian Kinirons, Medical Director, National Doctors Training and Planning (NDTP)
“It is now incumbent on us all to work towards implementation in the short - and medium - term.”
Mr. Paddy Kenny, Council Member, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)”
Model 3 Hospitals – Consultant Recruitment & Retention Report (PDF)
National Doctors Training & Planning Strategic Plan 2022-2027
The National Doctors Training & Planning Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 was launched on the 11th November 2022 by the Professor Brian Kinirons, Medical Director NDTP.
The strategy is guided by a vision and mission that reflects the role of NDTP in an evolving health service. The six strategic objectives set out in the plan and their associated outcomes, will, when achieved, result in significant benefit to patients and service users. To view the strategic plan, please view at NDTP Strategic Plan 2022-2027
The National Employment Record (NER) App is Now Available!
The National Employment Record (NER) App is now available for all NCHDs to download on the App and Google Play Stores.
National Employment Record (NER) App - App Store (IOS / Apple Device)
National Employment Record (NER) App - Google Play Store (Android Device)
NOTE: There is no requirement to set up a new NER Account when accessing the App. Your same login credentials for the NER web based portal will apply.
The NER App is an extension of the current NER web based portal which enables NCHDs to interact virtually with Medical HR and Occupational Health Departments nationally in order to complete and upload pre-employment screening documentation prior to commencing a new post. NCHDs can also apply for funding under both the Training Supports Scheme and the Clinical Course Exam and Refund Scheme via the NER APP.
More recently, all NCHDs now have access to an E-Portfolio module through their NER account. The E-Portfolio module gives NCHDs the opportunity to record their training and career development and have their experience validated by their Supervising Clinician/ Consultant where applicable. This functionality is also readily available on the NER App.
For assistance with navigating the NER App the DIME Team have created NER App User Guides as well as an NER APP FAQ document, please select the appropriate links below to access same.
NER App User Guide for Android Device
NER App User Guide for Apple Device
NER APP FAQ Document
NCHD E-Portfolio
In line with NDTP’s commitment to support NCHDs we are pleased to announce a new E-Portfolio module on your NER portal.

We have also created a short video below on the E-Portfolio Module as well as User Guides for both Consultants and NHCDs on our website.
User Guides and Tutorial Videos
If you have any specific queries there is a dedicated team available Monday to Friday. They can be contacted at
Watch our Youtube video on the E-Portfolio Module