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Section 39 Documentation

Section 39 documentation relates to those Agencies that are funded pursuant to Section 39 of the Health Act, 2004 and in receipt of funding in excess of €250,000 nationally.  

Section 39 Service Arrangement Part I (revised for 2025)

This is a standard document for Agencies funded pursuant to Section 39 of the Health Act, 2004 and is part one of a two-part contract, the other part being the HPSR.

The Healthcare Provider Specific Requirements (HPSR) for 2025 for specific care-groups are set out below: 

Compliance requirements for Agencies

 Annual Financial Monitoring Return (AFMR)

This document is a requirement for Voluntary Agencies funded via a Service Arrangement and should be returned with the Annual Financial Statements each year (revised for 2025). 

*Disability Composite Schedule Template Schedules 3, 9 KPIs (Section 38 and Section 39)

This is a national standard template for use within the Disability Sector. It is used to capture data for service specification in all voluntary Agencies funded by the Health Service Executive (revised for 2025).

*Schedule 3 Template Basic Input Sheet Non-Disability (Section 38 and Section 39)

This template is for use in all other care groups (excl. Disabilities) where the activity information required for Schedule 3 would benefit from an excel format. 

*Please note that all references to Schedules 3 and 9 above have now been superseded by Section 3 of the new HPSR documentation and are for reference purposes only. 

Data Sharing Terms (new for 2025)

Set out below are the following documents relevant to Data Sharing which are referenced in the Section 39 Service Arrangement. 

(i) Where the Provider acts as a data processor of the Executive for any such processing activity or activities and/or

(ii) Where the Executive acts as a data processor of the Provider for any such processing activity or activities and/or

(iii) Where the Executive and the Provider act as joint controllers for any such processing activity or activities