Carers Support Organisations

Organisations that provide supports and services including helplines, drop in centres and training.

Helpful Organisations

Family Carers Ireland (formerly the Carers Association & Caring for Carers)

Freephone 1800 24 07 24 (Monday to Friday 9am-8pm Saturday 10am-12noon) Family Carers Ireland offers a confidential, friendly and supportive Care Line. As well as a number of services and supports to Family Carers including carer support groups, in-home respite care, training, information on rights and entitlements and other necessary supports that seek to improve the quality of life for the Carer and the persons receiving care at home. 

Alzheimer's Society of Ireland

National Helpline Freephone 1800 34 13 41 (Monday to Friday 10-5pm Saturday 10-4 pm)
A free, confidential service providing information, support and a listening ear for people with dementia and their families as well as people who are concerned about their own or a loved one's memory. They also work with health and social care professionals.

Care Alliance Ireland

Phone: 01 874 7776 Email:

Care Alliance Ireland has an online Family Carer Support Group. It offers peer-to-peer support to family carers. The group is moderated by a mix of health and social care professionals and family carers: Care Alliance - Online Family Carer Support Project

Senior Helpline

LoCall 1800 80 45 91  (Daily 10am to 10pm)
Senior Help Line is a confidential listening service for older people provided by trained older volunteers for the price of a local call anywhere in Ireland.  

Disability Federation of Ireland

Phone: 01 454 7978 Email:
If you are caring for someone with a disability you will find information and affiliated support organisations on the website of the Disability Federation of Ireland, "an advocate for the voluntary disability sector supporting organisations to enable people with disabilities" 

Citizens Information

Phone: 0818 07 4000 (Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm)

The Citizens Information Board provides information, advice and advocacy on public and social services and entitlements. You can visit your local Citizens Information Centre, which provides a free and confidential service, or use the Citizens Information Phone Service or website.

Support, information & advocacy organisations

Support and Advocacy Service for Older People (SAGE) 

The SAGE Support and Advocacy Service for Older People aims to deliver a representative advocacy service to older people.Our mission is 'to promote and protect the rights, freedoms and dignity of older people by developing support and advocacy services wherever ageing poses a challenge for individuals'.

SAGE Helpline: 0818 71 94 00

National Advocacy Service

The National Advocacy Service (NAS) works with people under 65 with disabilities. 

Phone: 0818 07 3000

Where can I find information on training courses that might help me with my caring role?

A website managed by Care Alliance Ireland has a searchable database of current training across Ireland, along with information on online courses. You can find this information and more by going to Training for Family Carers (

Every single one of us will experience tough times in our lives. is a place to learn about mental health, and how to support yourself and the people you love. You can find support services near you, and learn about the #little things that can make a big difference to how we all feel. The website includes information on supports for carers, family and friends" - Supports for carers, family and friends. Do you need to talk to someone right now?

Free call Samaritans

Freephone: 116 123