National Inpatient Experience Survey

National Inpatient

The National Inpatient Experience Survey is a nationwide survey asking patients about their recent experience in hospital. The survey is a partnership between the Department of Health, the H

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ealth Service Executive (HSE) and the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) who are working together to ask patients about their experience of Irish healthcare.

The National Inpatient Experience Survey takes place over a month every year. All patients aged 16 and over who spend 24 hours or more in a public acute hospital, have an address in Ireland and are discharged during the survey month, are invited to participate in the survey. It is the largest survey of its kind in Ireland and offers patients the opportunity to share their experiences of hospital care and tell us what improvements they believe are necessary.

Patients are asked about every aspect of their care, such as confidence and trust in hospital staff, care and treatment on the ward, the provision of information and support when leaving hospital.

Responses to the survey are used to improve hospital care in Ireland. The HSE responds to the results by developing quality improvement plans at national, hospital and hospital group levels. The results also inform national policy and HIQA’s monitoring programme.

Find out more about the National Inpatient Experience Survey on our website, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.