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Sligo residents celebrate GAA success

 2 members of the Sligo GAA under 20s team stand holding the JJ Fahy Cup. Seated are 2 male residents of residents of St John’s Hospital , Sligo who are also holding the cup


Black and white was the theme for the afternoon in St John's Community Hospital, Sligo, recently, when residents welcomed the Sligo GAA under 20s Connaught Champions and All Ireland finalists to a special GAA celebration. Among the star attractions was the JJ Fahy Cup that was on hand to be admired, held, and photographed.

The Sligo GAA under 20s team were welcomed to the Garden Room at the hospital with a chorus of the Sunday Game theme song - setting the scene for a great occasion. Former stalwart of the Sligo County GAA team defence line, Ross Donovan, was on hand to reminisce on the 2007 Championship with residents.

Sligo GAA U-20s retained their Connaught Championship title in April this year, seeing off Galway. Stories from the successful campaign experienced by the under 20s team were shared. Residents and staff were delighted to meet and greet the players and management team.  GAA tales, both recent and past, were also told and re-told by all gathered on the day.

Resident Tom Johnston, a former Sligo GAA player shared his experiences and tales, swopping stories with the younger players.

Younger supporters put on a football display in the courtyard, sharing their skills and showing their intentions and hopes to go on to greater GAA success in the future.

The catering department at the hospital provided a well-received reception with black and white decorated cupcakes scoring highly.

Nicola Scanlan Fox, Director of Nursing, St John's Community Hospital, reflected on how “an energetic afternoon was enjoyed by all.” Nicola added that “staff and residents of St John's Community Hospital would like to thank the players and management for kindly visiting with their well-deserved trophy.”

Greater glory was expressed too with residents looking forward to seeing Sam Maguire visit the venue in the near future.