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HSE launch information service to assist older people live well at home in Laois/Offaly

 Pictured at the launch of Older people live well at home in Laois Offaly is Anna May McHugh, Managing Director of the National Ploughing Association. She is joined by 3 ladies, each are standing in front of a pull-up banner that reads: Integrated Care Programme Older Persons.


“It’s important that people know who they can reach out to and where they can go for information and support,” according to Anna May McHugh, Managing Director of the National Ploughing Association, as she officially launched a new HSE directory of services featuring information to assist Older People in Laois/Offaly live well at home. 

Anna May said she was “delighted to be here today to officially launch this directory and to meet the key groups who have developed this very important resource for the community. I would like to congratulate all who have been involved in its development.”

The directory was developed by a working group made up of HSE personnel, community and voluntary partners and other statutory agencies. Local consultation with older people across Laois and Offaly informed the contents and the overall design. Engagement with older people found loneliness to be a significant challenge in rural areas. They established that there was an identified need to signpost opportunities for supports, resources and ways to form better social connections.

As well as providing information and contact details for services available to keep older people well at home, the directory also serves as a guide to knowing who to contact when they need health or social care services.  Information on issues that matter to people includes guidance on transport and entitlements and advice on how to access supports such as day care or lunch clubs. The directory further lists groups and activities available across both Laois and Offaly that aim to connect people socially with a full chapter on social, leisure and educational activities.  Information on the HSE social prescribing service in Laois and Offaly is laid out along with appropriate contact details.

According to Eileen Hughes, Midlands Regional Age Friendly Programme Manager, they were “delighted to work with HSE Midlands and all bodies across the community to bring this important resource together. The effects of social isolation and loneliness on mortality are comparable to that of other well-established risk factors such as smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. The consultation has provided valuable insight into the needs of older people in Laois and Offaly and we believe this resource will be of benefit to everyone across our communities.”

Dr Donal Fitzsimons, Head of Service, Older Persons Services, HSE Midlands Louth Meath, noted that “the HSE is committed to supporting older people to live at home. The collaborative work of the Living Well at Home group sharing information and resources to support older people to live well at home is commendable.”

Fiona Murphy, Head of Health and Wellbeing HSE Midlands Louth Meath stressed that “promoting healthy ageing is a key element of the Healthy Ireland Implementation Plan. We want to support older people to age well in their own communities. The work of the Living Well at Home group and the consultation with older people living in counties Laois and Offaly is key to developing initiatives that respond to local needs. This directory will be a valuable information resource for people to access local supports, services and activities. Well done to all involved.”

 The directory is available from local healthcare frontline staff, and in public offices locally. Download the directory of services to assist Older People in Laois/Offaly live well at home (PDF, 38.8MB).