This webpage will provide staff working in community assessment hubs with some useful information.
These documents are also displayed as part of the COVID Resource pack for Community Assessment hubs on HSEland where you will find more information.
IPC and training materials for community assessment hubs
- Medication Management Guideline for Registered Nurses working in hubs (PDF, 784 KB, 14 pages)
- HSE Criteria for Patient Referral to Community Assessment Hubs
- Guidance re: Pregnant Women and attendance at Community Assessment Hubs for COVID 19 (PDF, 351 KB, 1 page)
- COVID-19 Community Assessment Hub Operational Model (PDF, 1.13 MB, 22 pages)
- Interim Clinical guidelines signed off by Quality and Safety Committee in ICGP (PDF, 1.4 MB, 19 pages)
- Example of a hub set up in Cork showing how training was provided and what they learned worked well (PDF, 657 KB, 4 pages)
- Community Assessment Hub Clinical toolbox made up of clinical scenarios that can be used by Healthcare staff for training in local hubs (PDF, 517 KB, 5 pages)
- IPC flow diagram pointing out key IPC actions and clean and dirty zone for display in hubs (PDF, 460 KB, 4 pages)
- IPC guidance inclusive of links to all relevant documents (PDF, 455 KB, 4 pages)
- A video of the training done in Cork. The video is about 1 hour long in total and can be downloaded from WeTransfer
- Community Assessment Hub Resus Guidance (PDF, 123 KB, 1 page)
- Community Assessment Hub CPR Guidance (PDF, 263 KB, 1 page)
*When following the Community Assessment Hub CPR Guidance, AGP PPE means you need a respirator mask instead of a surgical mask.
- GP Video Resources