Reviews and complaints

As a recruiter, you need to have a working knowledge of the CPSA code of practice. The code outlines the review and complaints procedures you need to follow.

You can refuse a candidate’s complaint if they:

  • do not send their complaint within the notified timelines in the recruitment documentation which you have given to them
  • do not explain why they believe the process is unfair and not in line with the Code of Practice

Include reviews and complaints in your planning

Follow the principles and standards outlined in the Code of Practice when planning each stage of the recruitment process.

Set out the procedures for processing reviews and complaints when preparing to recruit.

You need to:

  • track and record the decisions made at each stage of the recruitment process
  • ensure scheduling for each stage of the process takes account of the timelines for review and complaints
  • make sure staff involved in the recruitment process are aware of, and understand, the review and complaint processes
  • appoint reviewers before the start of the recruitment process to avoid unnecessary delays

It might take time to find reviewers with the knowledge and understanding of both the recruitment process and the Code of Practice.

Reviewers need to be available to do the work and respond within the timelines allowed. Ideally, there should be a pool of trained reviewers that you can choose from.

Tell candidates how to request a review or make a complaint

You need to tell candidates about their right to request a review or make a complaint:

  • at the start of the process when you advertise the recruitment campaign in the appeal section of the additional candidate information document 
  • each time you notify them of a decision during the selection process 

Direct candidates to the CPSA Code of Practice for information about their rights and obligations under the code. 

Give candidates the name and email address of the reviewer you identified in the planning stage.

The reviewer should check their email regularly and make sure to answer emails within the stated timelines.

Appeals Process - Timelines

The timelines outlined in the Code provide guidance for public bodies.

The Commission accepts that you may develop complaint mechanisms and processes that work best for your candidates and business needs, but they do expect that all candidates have the opportunity of timely access to complaint mechanisms and natural justice.

Record review and complaint decisions

You must:

  • keep records of review requests, complaints received, and responses given
  • store records in accordance with GDPR and data protection regulations, including all correspondence with candidates.
  • make all records available to reviewers
  • have all records available in the event of a CPSA audit
  • make records available for freedom of information requests

The review and complaints information checklist can assist you in identifying the documents you require

Additional resources