Permanent Medical Consultant Recruitment
Applications for all new and replacement consultant posts, regardless of where they are based, must include a separate confirmation of funding signed by the Regional Executive Officer (REO).
Access the updated forms on the NDTP website.
Check you have approval
You need a HSE letter of approval before you can recruit. National HR issues a Letter of Approval
If you are recruiting a consultant post via Public Jobs or NRS be aware of their need for relevant approval documents and Job Specifications before they commence recruitment.
- New Posts
- New Development Posts, in line with the Primary Notification Memo issued on 12/02/2021, no longer require an Approval to Hire Form A. Instead, NRS require a Primary Notification Number and SWPI Log Number for the file.
- New Posts require an Approval to Hire Form A.
- Replacement Posts
Replacement Posts require an Approval to Hire Form B.
Steps for developing permanent Medical Consultant Job Specifications
- Local sites complete the Medical Consultant Job Spec Template once the CAAC recommendation and the Letter of Approval (LOA) have been received
- Use the information in the Consultant Application Form (CAP) and the LOA to do this. Guidance prompts are included in the Medical Consultant Job Spec Template.
- Submit the completed Job Specification and other required documents to NRS.
- NRS will review the Job Specification content including against the LOA, and follow up with sites if required.
- NRS will engage with the Public Jobs to initiate the recruitment process.
Step 1: Consultation
It is important to seek input from a wide range of relevant stakeholders when completing the CAP Form, which will inform the content of the Job Specification, once you receive the Letter of Approval. For example, and depending on the post, local site management, Clinical Lead, Clinical Director / Executive Clinical Director, local site / Health Region Group Consultants, Health Region management, interview board members, national programme representative.
Ideally, there should be a single point of contact to agree the content of the CAP Form, and make all relevant stakeholders are consulted. This is often the Medical Manpower Manager.
Remember: You cannot, change or edit, the Application Form CAAC reviews, or the content of the LOA, later. This means it is important to take the time at the beginning make sure everyone who should have a say in the content of the CAP Form are included. If not, it will lead to delays in the recruitment process, as re-submissions will need to go to CAAC.
Step 2: Consultant Application Form
The following are important, when completing the CAP Form:
Consider the role and not the current post holder(s).
Consult with the full range of stakeholders so there is agreement and a clear understanding of the purpose of the post across the site / area. For example,
- There is both senior clinical and management representation.
- Contributors will focus on the bigger picture in relation to service delivery at regional and national level.
- Contributors are aware of new developments and their likely impact on the post or service delivery.
- There is adequate representation across contributors, as relevant to a post. Such as, geographical, service delivery, care group representation.
- All key stakeholders have an opportunity to contribute and understand the purpose of the post.
- The scope and breadth of the role is realistic. That is, it is not too wide or restricted.
Do not copy and paste from old CAP Forms / Job Specifications. While this can be a useful guide, it is important to make sure the content of each form and specification is specific to the individual post and describes the requirements of the specific role.
Note: The relevant Clinical Programme Lead (CPL) form(s) must accompany the Consultant Application. If you submit the Application without a signed CPL form, it will be returned.
Step 3 Writing the Medical Consultant Job Specification
When you receive the Letter of Approval (LOA) you need to complete the Medical Consultant Job Specification for use in the selection process.
Much of the information you need to complete the job specification will be in the CAP Form and LOA.
The CAP Forrm is mapped to the Job Specification template, which includes guidance notes, to help you.
You cannot change anything in black font, or any of the following recommended and approved by CAAC and the LOA:
- Specifics of the post
- Structure of the post / purpose of the post / post requirements. For example, Job Title and Grade
- Location of post
- Contract type
- Eligibility criteria / qualifications.
Use the Medical Consultant Job Spec Template to write the job specification.
You can review the completed example Medical Consultant Job Specification to help you.
Remember, do not copy and paste from old Job Specifications. It is important the content is specific to the individual post and describes the requirements of the specific role.
Principal Duties & Responsibilities
Include the Job Description details from Section 3 of the CAP Form. Supplement this information with additional post / site-specific information, where relevant. Remember to cluster similar thematic areas together under a heading. For example,
- Clinical / Professional
- Education & Training
- Risk Management Health & Safety
- Management
Do not include local policy, procedural or housekeeping items. Cover this during the induction process or elsewhere
Generally, if details in the contract you do not need to repeat them in the Job Specification. For example, giving notice of going on leave.
Eligibility Criteria, Qualifications and / or Experience
This section details the qualifications specified by the HSE for the grade.
Note: The job title on the Application Form and Job Specification must match the HSE approved qualifications.
The LOA may describe, where relevant, additional qualifications that are necessary for effective job performance in the post and without which the person could not do the job competently or successfully
The LOA may describe, where applicable, relevant experiences(s) required to perform in a post.
All this information is in the LOA. You cannot make edits to the requirements specified in the LOA.
Include only Special Interest areas presented in the agreed specified Consultant qualifications if this is contained in the LOA.
You can describe other areas of interest in the Job Specification but do not present them as Special Interest in areas such as job titles.
Post specific requirements
Post specific requirements are mostly relevant to a specific role.
They may reflect education / experience required for a specific post in a specific location or may include specialisms. For example, if NRS or Public Jobs is recruiting a post they will need detail on Teaching & Research experience for Section 62 posts.
CPSA Code of Practice obligations mean the requirements for the post must not be unduly restrictive. Specifications should reflect what is necessary to perform the duties of the position
Section 62 Teaching Hospitals:
- Do not include duties, such as 4 hours per week at a given location, under the Post Specific Requirements section.
- The requirement for this section is to describe the type of experience required to fulfil the teaching requirements of the role. For example, experience of teaching at undergraduate or postgraduate level.
Non-Section 62 Teaching Hospitals:
- Do not include Teaching & Research experience in the Post Specific Requirements section, as these are not approved teaching posts.
Other Requirements Specific to the Post Section
Logistical or Operational requirements go here.
For example:
- Access to transport if there is a requirement for frequent travel in fulfilling the role
- Ability to speak Irish if the person is required to work in an Irish speaking area
- Roster or on-call requirements
Skills and competencies
Skills and competencies for medical consultant recruitment were identified as part of a job analysis that involved national and international benchmarking, internal consultation and review.
The competencies are included as standard in the Job Specification template for use in the selection process.
Check the draft
Review the job specification to make sure it is:
- Objective. That is, it is based on those requirements demonstrably relevant to the job.
- Captures the expected key accountabilities and requirements at a proficient level.
- Realistic. The requirements for the job should not be overstated.
- Clear and unambiguous.
- Compliant in relation to promoting equal opportunity. Be careful not to inadvertently indirectly discriminate against people or groups of people. Read the information from IHREC on discrimination under the Employment Equality Acts.
Use the Checklist to help you do this.
What happens next?
Arrange to have your post advertised.
You must advertise all Consultant jobs as well as organisational jobs pages.
To advertise on publicjobs website, complete the Publicjobs external advert request form and email it to
Read how to advertise on the HSE Jobs page.
Where NRS/Public Jobs are managing the campaign
If NRS are managing your campaign, they review your documents and Job Specification and submit to publicjobs for advertising.
Publicjobs will advertise and manage the campaign. This means they will work with the Health Region, to shortlist, conduct interviews, and establish a panel in Order of Merit.
Publicjobs will conduct pre-employment process including:
- Garda Vetting
- International Police Clearance
- Medical Council registration
- Employment checks
- References
Publicjobs will issue a recommendation pack to NRS who will advise the service file, and request confirmation of the start date, work schedule, and salary before they prepare and issue the Contract of Employment and other relevant documents to the candidate for signature and return, including copies for them to keep.
In line with HR Memo 061 /2023 Offering the Public Only Consultant Contracts (POCC) all new contractual offers made to Consultant are on the basis of 2023 contract.
If an existing permanent Consultant accepts an offer of employment in another employer, HSE or Section 38, they will be offered the POCC23.
Check for amendments on returned forms and contract, and make sure you have a signed Statutory Declaration.
Prepare the HR File for payroll/NPA set-up.
Additional resources