HR Circulars 2000

DOHC HR Circular no 01/00 re Payments for Millenium Period.pdf (1,298 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 03/00 re Remuneration of all Grades of Mechanical Workshop Technician under PCW.pdf (2,900KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 09/00 re Revision of Allowances and Fees payable to Nursing Staff under Partnership 2000.pdf (size 1,129 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 10/00 re Saturday Premiums 2000.pdf (size 338 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 11/00 re Nursing Pensions 2000.pdf (size 428 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 12/00 re Revision of Acting up Arrangements for Psychiatric Nurses under Partnership 2000.pdf (size 1,534 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 13/00 re Revision of Remuneration under Partnership 2000.pdf (870KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 37/00 re Sessional Rates Allowances Fees payable to Paramedical Staff.pdf (size 3 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 40/00 re Long Stay unit Allowance for Trainee Psychiatric Nurses underPartnership 2000.pdf (size 545 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 41/00 re Nursing Grades Revised Job Descriptions.pdf (size 10,000 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 42/00 re Nursing Grades Revised Job Descriptions 42.pdf (size 4,210 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 43/00 re Revision of Pay for Nursing Grades.pdf (size 4,417 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 44/00 re Revision of Remuneration for Consultants.pdf (size 2.3 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 47/00 re Fees and Pool Payment for Medical and Dental Staff.pdf (size 715.7 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 48/00 re April Staff Radiotherapists.pdf (size 286.7 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 50/00 re Day Rate for visiting Physicians.pdf (size 285.8 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 52/00 re Psychiatrists Special Rates for Clinics held outside a Radius of 25Miles.pdf (size 459.3 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 53/00 re Revision of Fees for Medical Staff.pdf (size 546.8 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 54/00 re Remuneration of Masters.pdf (size 282.2 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 55/00 re Directors of Community Care Medical Officers of Health.pdf (size 261.4 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 60/00 re Fees and Allowances payable to GPs Participating in the General Medical Services Scheme under Partnership 2000.pdf (size 332.5 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 61/00 re Consultant Orthodontists Salary.pdf (size 263.9 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 63/00 re Revision of Remuneration of Hospital Chaplains.pdf (499 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 64/00 re Consultant Orthodontists Salary.pdf (size 313.2 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 64/00 re Specialist Registrars.pdf (size 333.2 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 72/00 re Remuneration of all Grades of Psychologist under PCW.pdf (size 3.1 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 74/00 re Remuneration of all grades of Public Analyst under PCW.pdf (size 3.7 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 75/00 re Remuneration of all grades of Executive Analytical Chemist under PCW.pdf (size 1.4 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 78c/00 re Remuneration of Nursing Grades 78c.pdf (size 1,536 KB)

DOHC HR_Circular no 78d/00 re Remuneration of Nursing Grades.pdf (size 1.2 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 81/00 re Remuneration of certain Grades listed in The Expert Group on Various HealthProfessions.pdf (size 3 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 84/00 re NCHDs.pdf (size 1.8 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 85/00 re Revised arrangements for Sponsorship of Student Public Health Nurses.pdf (size 2077 KB)

DOHC HR Circular 91a/00 re Incremental Credit General Support Services Grades.pdf (size 547.1 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 94/00 re Medical Indemnity.pdf (size 10.2 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 99/00 re NCHDs Agreement.pdf (size 3.5 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 100/00 re Post Graduate Training of Clinical Psychologists.pdf (size 1.3 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 104/00 re Personal to holder long service increments and age related pay scales.pdf (29KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 114/00 re Revision of Fees and Pool Payments to Medical and Dental Staff.pdf (size 868.9 KB)

DOHC HR_Circular no 122/00 re Remuneration of Nursing Grades.pdf (size 1.2 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 125/00 re Implementation of Commission on Nursing, Nurse Management Structures Mental Health Services.pdf (size 460 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 131/2000 Upgrading of Orthopotists and Chiropodists.pdf (size 32.9 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 133/00 re Remuneration of Prosthetists in the National Rehabilitation Hospital under the Expert Group on Various Health Professions.pdf (size 2.3 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 138/00 re Expert Group on Various Health Professions Child Care Workers.pdf (size 1.1 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 141/00 re Implementation of Commission on Nursing Nurse Management Structures Band 3 to 5 Hospitals.pdf (size 460 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 144/00 re Upgrading of Therapist Grades under the Expert Group on Various Health Profesions.pdf (size 1.8 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 145/00 re Remuneration of certain Social Work Management Grades.pdf (size 1.5 MB)

DOHC HR Circular no 150/00 re Specialist Nursing Courses.pdf (size 578.9 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 151/00 re Financial Support for Nurses Returning to Practice.pdf (size 14 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 152/00 re starting pay on promotion therapy grades.pdf (size 23.1 KB)

DOHC HR Circular no 153/00 re Paternity Leave.pdf (707KB)

DOHC HR_Circular no 158/00 re Remuneration of Nursing Grades.pdf (size 719.9 KB)

DOHC HR Circular 11/02/00 re Nursing Update.pdf (size 996 KB)

DOHC HR Circular 05/05/00 re Revised Salary Scales for Dental Surgeons and Medical Officers District Community Hospitals.pdf (size 2.1 MB)

DOHC HR Circular 05/05/00 re Revised Common Contract for Consultant Medical Staff and Schedule of Fees Applicable for Removable Orthodontic Treatment corrections.pdf (size 1.2 MB)

DOHC HR_Circular 24/05/00 re National Council for the Professional Development of Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Nurse or Midwife Specialist Posts.pdf (size 5.9 MB)

DOHC HR document 02/08/00 re Salaries Dental.pdf (size 303.1 KB)

DOHC HR Circular 01/11/00 re Remuneration of Family Support Workers.pdf (size 1.4 MB)

DOHC HR Circular 04/12/00 re Revision of Pay for all Grades of Psychologists.pdf (size 1.8 MB)

DOELG Letter to HSEA 24/07/00 re Permanent Pensionable Part Time Working.pdf (1159 KB)

DOE Letter to HSEA 13/10/00 re Application of a Personal Long Service Increment LSI to Pensioners.pdf (1,461KB)

HSEA HR Circular 18/05/00 re Psychologists PCW Pay Claim.pdf (size 4.6 MB)

HSEA HR_Circular 06/06/00 re Annual Leave Nursing Grades.pdf (size 370 KB)

HSEA HR Circular 14/06/00 re Summary of Guidelines on Agreements concluded as part of the Settlement Terms of the 1999 Nurses Dispute.pdf (size 808 KB)

HSEA HR_Circular 28/06/00 re Location Allowance Secure Units Mental Health Services.pdf (size 1 MB)

HSEA HR_Circular 21/07/00 re Support Package for Nurse Teachers.pdf (size 1.1 MB)

HSEA HR Circulars 24/07/00 re Incremental Progression and Unsocial Hours.pdf (size 604.4 KB)

HSEA HR Document 08/00 re Part Time Home Helps Agreement.pdf (size 4.7 MB)

HSEA HR Circular 04/09/00 re Agreement with IMPACT under PCW.pdf (5,649KB)

HSEA HR_Circular 06/09/00 re Control and Restraint Instructors.pdf (size 2.4 MB)

HSEA HR Circular 06/10/00 re Cook Expert Group.pdf (1,525KB)

HSEA HR Circular 11/12/00 re Revision of Mileage Rates payable to Psychaitric Nurses under the Castlerea Formula.pdf (size 440 KB)