Publications: HSE-NDTP

NDTP Model 3 Hospitals – Consultant Recruitment & Retention Report

The Model 3 hospital project was established by National Doctors Training & Planning (NDTP), in association with Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI), to investigate challenges in the recruitment and retention of consultants across all specialties in Model 3 hospitals and to make recommendations to address the issues identified.

NDTP is pleased to now publish the Model 3 Hospitals – Consultant Recruitment & Retention Report which Health Minister Stephen Donnelly TD is officially launching at NDTP’s medical workforce conference on 9th November 2023. 

Model 3 Hospitals – Consultant Recruitment & Retention Report

NDTP Strategic Plan 2022 - 2027                     

The National Doctors Training & Planning Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 was launched on the 11th November 2022 by the Professor Brian Kinirons, Medical Director NDTP. 

The strategy is guided by a vision and mission that reflects the role of NDTP in an evolving health service. The six strategic objectives set out in the plan and their associated outcomes, will, when achieved, result in significant benefit to patients and service users.

NDTP Strategic Plan 2022-2027.pdf (size 3.8 MB)

Annual Reports

The annual reports provide a detailed overview of the major activities NDTP carried out each year and the areas to be targeted the following year.

Medical Workforce Analysis Report

Part 10 of the Medical Practitioners Act 2007 (MPA2007) defines the legislative responsibilities of the Health Service Executive in relation to medical and dental education and training. A key responsibility defined for the HSE is the requirement to assess on an annual basis the number of intern posts and the number and type of specialist medical training posts required by the health service.

The HSE is furthermore required to assess on an annual basis the need for and appropriateness of NCHD posts which are not utilised or required for the purposes of medical training. The HSE is required to publish the results of each of its annual assessment.

For the 2023-24 training year a Medical Workforce report was published which includes the annual assessment of NCHD posts along with data on the consultant workforce in order to provide richer detail on the medical workforce in Ireland.

Medical Workforce Report 23-24

You can also find links to previous NDTP Workforce Reports below.

You can also find links to previous annual assessment of NCHD posts publications below.

Annual Medical Retention Report

The Annual Retention Report, an extension of The Retention of Training Doctors in the Irish Health System article published by NDTP in early 2023, will be published on an annual basis going forward. While there have been concerns about the retention of Irish trained doctors from many years, there has been a paucity of data to accurately describe the complex flows of doctors moving in and out of Ireland as they progress through the various stages of training and on to consultant posts. This report aims to track these complex flows and the evolution of retention rates over time. The report for 2023 can be viewed below:

Annual Medical Retention Report 2023