Financial Supports for Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors (NCHDs)
There are currently three schemes in operation which provide financial support to NCHDs funded by the NDTP. The schemes are:
1. Clinical Course & Examination Refund Scheme for NCHDs
This scheme is open to all NCHDs. There is an approved list of clinical courses & examinations qualifying for this refund scheme contained in the CCERS Guidelines. Commencing 8th July 2019 the full cost of an approved examination/course taken on or after this date is eligible to be refunded provided the NCHD has Passed the exam or Completed the appropriate course. Applications are submitted online via the NCHDs NER Portal.
The CCERS User Guides explain the steps required to making a CCERS Application via the NER Portal and NER App.
2. Training Supports Scheme for NCHDs
This scheme is open to all NCHDs who hold a current HSE NCHD contract 2010 for a minimum period of 12 weeks and are working in an HSE funded post. Funding is allocated based on Grade and the table below indicates the amount available under the TSS for each registration training year, July – July. Funding is available pro-rata for doctors employed on shorter contract durations.
Grade |
Amount per Registration Year |
Intern |
€1,250.00 |
SHOs and Registrars |
€1,750.00 |
SPRs/GP Registrars/Psychiatry SRs on a training scheme |
€2,500.00 |
The criteria around which clinical courses, conferences and examinations that can be claimed for under TSS plus a detailed explanation of the Scheme is provided in the TSS-Training-Supports-Policy-July-2024 which contains a detailed explanation of the Scheme.
The Training Supports Scheme User Guides explain the steps required to making a Training Supports Application via the NER Portal/NER App.
3. Specialist Training Fund for Higher Specialist Trainees
This scheme is open to higher specialist trainees and 3rd/4th year GP trainees only. The funding available to each trainee is €500.00 per year of training and the fund rolls over if not claimed in a particular year.
The Specialist Training Fund for Higher Specialist Trainees 2024-2025 NDTP Specialist Funding Guidance Document contains a detailed explanation of the Scheme should be completed and submitted to the your Postgraduate Medical Training Body to Higher Specialist Training Fund Form July 2024 to July 2025
Financial Supports for Consultants
1. Consultant CME - Continuing Medical Education
This Scheme, which allows Consultants to claim funds towards courses and conference, reference materials and professional fees, is open to Consultants employed in the public service. Consultants who hold the new Public Only Consultants Contract 2023 have a CME fund of €12,000 per annum (pro rata) and Consultants who hold the 2008/1997 contract have a CME fund of €3,000 per annum (pro rata). The fund is held and maintained by the primary employer as recognized by the Consultant’s contract of employment. Further information is available in the CME Guidance Document. The application form should be completed in full and returned to the relevant employer for processing.
NER 15 2021 CME Addendum and Form-1