Recruitment for appointments to positions in the HSE is subject to the provisions of the Public Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act, 2004 (the Act) and is regulated by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA.) Appointments to positions in the Health Service Executive, apart from positions, which are subject to the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act 1926, are subject to the Code of Practice published by the CPSA. The Code sets out how the core of principles of probity, merit, equity and fairness might be applied on a principle basis.
The Code of Practice:
- outlines the standards that should be adhered to at each stage of the selection process
- sets out the review and appeal mechanisms open to candidates when they are unhappy with a selection process
- outlines what is expected from candidates in an appointment process
- explains the CPSA audit function
Additional resources
CPSA Guidance for candidates on reviews and complaints