What you should expect from us

The aim of the HSE’s Recruitment Service is to provide you with a confidential service that is:

  • Professional
  • Courteous and considerate
  • Friendly and helpful

We strive to operate a prompt and efficient service that includes:

  • Detailed information on vacancies and the recruitment and selection process
  • Timely acknowledgement and response to queries
  • Sufficient notice for all appointments
  • Clear, specific and meaningful feedback provided when requested by candidates. Detailed interview results to all candidates
  • Provision of specific requirements for candidates with disabilities.

Applications will be treated in strict confidence, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts, 1997, the Data Protection Act 1988 & 2003, the Public Services Management (recruitment & Appointments) Act 2004 and other provisions that have been identified in published documentation.

Appointments to positions in the Health Service Executive are subject to the Codes of Practice published by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA). The Code of Practice sets out how the core principles of probity, merit, equity and fairness might be applied on a principle basis.

The Code of Practice

The Code of Practice specifies the responsibilities placed on candidates who participate in recruitment campaigns. It facilitates feedback to applicants on matters relating to their application when requested, and it outlines procedures in relation to a) requests for a review. of the recruitment and selection process and b) review in relation to allegations of a breach of the Code of Practice.

Additional information on the HSE’s review process is available in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, information for candidates".

The Recruitment Licence - Code of Practice

Please note that the appointment of General Practitioners under the GMS Scheme is not governed by the Codes of Practice as General Practitioners have a contract for services and therefore are not employees of the HSE.