All positions in the HSE are advertised on the HSE website. Since 2009, all recruitment has been centralised to the HSE National Recruitment Service (NRS), Arás Sláinte Chluainín, Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim.
The Public Appointments Service (PAS) conducts some recruitment campaigns on behalf of the HSE. If this is the case, the job advertisement will contain a link to the Public Appointments Service.
You must use the Application Form particular to the post advertised. Applications may be downloaded, details typed in and returned by email or alternatively, you may print off the form, fill in by hand and return by post. Most application forms are competency based and will contain guidelines on how to complete.
Completed application forms must be returned to the designated address no later than the time and date specified in the advertisement for the post. Application forms received after the closing date will not be accepted. Candidates must ensure that applications are posted/e-mailed in sufficient time to guarantee arrival not later than the latest time stipulated for acceptance.
The acceptance of an application form from a person desiring to be a candidate, or an invitation to attend for interview or any other selection method is not an admission by the organisation that the applicant possesses the prescribed qualifications or is not disqualified by law from holding the post.
Further information on completing competency based application forms