The HSE has ongoing opportunities for registered general nurses. In order to meet this requirement it is the intention of the National Recruitment Service (NRS) to create a panel from which sponsorship places on the 2025/2026 Higher Diploma in Midwifery Programme will be filled. The campaign from which this panel will be created is scheduled to go live on Tuesday 18th March 2025. The closing date for receipt of applications will be Tuesday 08th April 2025.
The Higher Diploma in Midwifery is a full time minimum 18 month programme from the date of first registration for the programme. The programme is delivered by the following hospital groups and their academic partners. * These include:
- HSE West and North West: University Hospital Galway, Letterkenny University Hospital Galway, Mayo University Hospital, Portiuncula University Hospital and Sligo University Hospital with University of Galway
- HSE South South-West: Cork University Maternity Group with University College Cork
- HSE Mid-West: University Maternity Hospital Limerick with University of Limerick
- HSE Dublin and North East: Our Lady Of Lourdes Drogheda or Cavan General Hospital with Dundalk Institute of Technology
Candidates interested in applying for this programme must at the closing date for receipt of applications, be registered (or eligible to be registered) in the General Division of the Register of Nurses maintained by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).
If you are interested in applying for the Midwifery Sponsorship Programme, please access the job advert and application form.
The closing date for return of completed application forms is Tuesday 08th April 2025 at 12:00 noon.
Read more about the sponsorship programme on the ONMSD website