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Additional Notes on Maternity and Paediatric Care - Orthodox Churches

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Initiation ritual/infant baptism

Essential Practice Point 5

  • Baptism, the initiation ritual common among many Christian churches, is usually conducted at forty days old. In the case of a threat to the life of an infant the Orthodox movement prefers that the child is baptised. This should ideally be done by an Orthodox priest.
  • If no priest is available it is preferable that the parents baptise the child themselves, immersing/sprinkling him/her three times with pure water, using the words: "The servant of God [Name] is baptised in the name of the Father (immerse/sprinkle once), and of the Son (immerse/sprinkle once), and of the Holy Spirit (immerse/ sprinkle once), now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

(Return to Summary of Essential Practice Points)


Foetal, infant and child death

  • In matters of miscarriage and stillbirth an Orthodox priest will give guidance on the ceremonies to be conducted.
  • Children usually receive a funeral service and an Orthodox priest will advise.


Memento of a deceased child

  • There are no particular requirements in relation to giving mementos of the child to the parents, though this should be discussed with parents.