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Jehovah's Witnesses

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Jehovah’s WitnessesThe Watchtower magazine is the principal journal published by Jehovah’s Witnesses. 

Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian tradition sharing many of the principal beliefs of Christianity while also having distinctive beliefs. The Christian Bible is the key Holy Book of the faith. There are 7 million members in two hundred and thirty six lands around the world.

Some beliefs held by Jehovah's Witnesses have implications for healthcare practice, while the movement emphasises its belief in modern medicine. It has taken measures to create understanding of members' needs, co-operation with healthcare professionals and encourage the use of new medical advances that meet the needs of all parties. Among these measures are a network of Hospital Liaison Committees made up of specially trained elders (Church ministers) who are specialised in enabling healthcare settings to practice healthcare in a manner consistent with the beliefs of the faith, including facilitating communication between medical staff and Witnesses. This resource, which is available free of charge on a round-the-clock basis, is explored below.