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Additional Notes on Maternity and Paediatric Care - Islam

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Birth ritual

As soon as a child is born (usually) the father recites a ritual prayer call into the baby's right ear followed by a second prayer call into the left ear.


Foetal, infant and child death

Islamic representatives have indicated that rituals pertaining to miscarriage, stillbirth and death among Muslim children depend on age/stage of development. In all cases Muslim relatives or a religious representative will manage the process.

There is no washing ritual for a foetus that has not developed to the point that body form is evident. The opinion of an iman needs to be sought to confirm the stage of development of a foetus at the earlier stages of pregnancy.

Essential Practice Point 9

Full Islamic ritual is carried out for foetuses that have developed (see last point for further clarity), infants and children. Follow the guidelines in Essential Practice Points 6 to 8.

(Return to Summary of Essential Practice Points)


Mementos of a deceased child

Muslims usually do not subscribe to the idea of keeping a memoir of a child.