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HinduismThe Om depicted here (also spelled Aum) is a well known Hindu Sacred sound and symbol.

Hinduism, which developed in the area of modern day India, is among the oldest of the world's religions. The religion originally derived from the Vedic scriptures (or Vedas), in existence for up to 6000 years.

Hinduism is a vast religion. Hindus worship One Supreme Reality (God) and believe that all souls ultimately become one (self-realise) with the Supreme Reality. Various divine qualities of the Supreme Reality are expressed through Gods and Goddesses. Spiritual well-being comes from leading a dedicated life based on non-violence, love, good conduct and selfless service, and ultimately from experiencing the existence of the Supreme Reality within. The Truth may be realised through devotion to a particular aspect of the Supreme Reality, hence the worship of Gods such as Lord Krishna and Goddesses such as Durga, and practices such as self-analysis, selfless service and meditation.

Hinduism has influenced other traditions such as Buddhism.

Fourteen per cent of the world's population are Hindus who live predominantly in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka.