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Care of the Ill - Evangelical Churches

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Religious contacts and religious practices

Essential Practice Point 2

  • There are numerous evangelical congregations in Ireland. An evangelical Christian may not be easily identifiable in healthcare settings, while they will wish to have any religious practices conform to their belief system. They may identify themselves as part of a particular denomination, an independent church or simply a Christian. It is particularly important to clarify the name of the contact to be called for religious support for the person and guidance for the healthcare setting at critical points, such as death-related matters.

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  • The evangelical movement places emphasis on the Christian Bible, prayer and personal faith in Jesus Christ. Relatively speaking, compared to some other Christian traditions there is less emphasis on ceremony, ritual and symbols. It is likely that religious and/or community members may sit at the bedside reading passages from the Bible and praying, and sometimes a group may request a room to worship with singing.


Blood Transfusion and Organ Transplantation

There is no religious objection to these procedures.