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Care of the Ill - Church of Ireland

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Religious contacts and religious practices

Essential Practice Point 2

  • Each healthcare setting has a designated Church of Ireland chaplain whose role assists in responding to the religious and spiritual needs of members of the Church of Ireland and other Anglicans. Clarify with the person if they would prefer to be visited by their own priest/rector or if they are satisfied that the chaplain administers religious services.
  • Anglicanism contains a number of religious ceremonies, called sacraments, each of which has a specific purpose including aiding healing during illness, preparation for death and initiation of infants into the religion. Two commonly administered sacraments are those of Holy Communion and Baptism (described below). The chaplain or religious contact may administer any sacrament required.

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Blood Transfusion and Organ Transplantation

There is no religious objection to these matters.