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    PDF 1.24MB |Category: Key Performance Indicators

    Roscommon Mental Health Services Review Report

    Roscommon Mental Health Services Review Report image link

    A report into the quality, safety and governance of Roscommon Mental Health Services, commissioned by the Mental Health Division of the HSE in 2015. The report was completed in July 2017 and makes twenty-seven recommendations that, when implemented, will contribute to improving the quality, safety and governance of Roscommon Mental Health Services and will support the Galway Mayo Roscommon Community Health Organisation in achieving the goals set out in the Vision for Change and other relevant national policies.

    PDF 592KB |Category: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
    PDF 1.66MB |Category: Clinical Design and Innovation
    PDF 930KB |Category: Clinical Design and Innovation
    PDF 458KB |Category: Clinical Design and Innovation
    PDF 209KB |Category: Clinical Design and Innovation
    PDF 467KB |Category: Clinical Design and Innovation
    PDF 519KB |Category: Clinical Design and Innovation