Rapid antigen tests detection project

The HSE is looking at new, easier and faster ways to test people for COVID-19. This project will help us decide if we can use rapid antigen detection tests in Ireland.

How you can help 

You may be asked to take part in this project when you are getting tested for coronavirus. This is voluntary.

If you would like to take part in this study, we will take two samples from you. These will come from the back of your nose and throat.

 We will also ask you for the following information:

  •  your name, age and phone number
  •  if you have symptoms of COVID-19 and for how long you have had these symptoms
  •  if you have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Your test results

You will receive a text message with your test result.

If your result is positive for COVID-19, a HSE contact tracer or public health doctor will call you. They will tell you what to do.

We will also test the second sample taken from you with rapid antigen tests. We will see if the results from the two tests match up.

If you test positive the HSE will phone you and advise you further.

All positive samples are very helpful for testing the reliability of the new testing method.

Read more about coronavirus test results.

What happens next

For more information, contact the COVID-19 helpline.