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Re: HIQA Inspection – Hazelwood Community Group Home, OSV: 0008013

Hazelwood Community Group Home is a designated centre, managed by the HSE, which provides full time residential care to four adults with disabilities. The centre is a detached dwelling in a residential area close to a village and town.  All residents of Hazelwood have an en-suite bedroom which is personalised and homely.  The centre has a kitchen, a sitting area, utility area, and two offices. There are well maintained gardens with garden furniture where residents can relax.   The centre is fitted with assistive equipment and is fully wheelchair accessible throughout.  Residents are supported by a staff skill mix of nursing and health care assistant grades. 

An announced inspection of Hazelwood by the Health Information & Quality Authority (HIQA) was carried out on April 11th 2024 and the report was published on the HIQA website on July 9th 2024. This inspection was required by HIQA to inform a registration renewal application for the centre. 

On the day of inspection the HIQA inspectors spoke with residents and observed and reviewed documentation and found that the residents of Hazelwood were supported to enjoy a good quality service by an established consistent staff team who were familiar with their wishes and assessed needs. Residents were facilitated to pursue activities of their choice in their local community by attending clubs and day services and activities were also available to residents in the centre.

On the day of inspection, nineteen regulations were inspected against standards.  Seventeen of these regulations received a fully compliant judgement and 2 regulations were deemed substantially compliant.  A Compliance Plan has been submitted to HIQA and outlines the following actions to ensure full regulatory compliance:

  • The Registered Provider has implemented Guidance for Disability Services Garda Vetting Component (only) for Recruitment, Selection, and Garda Vetting of Staff (2023) and the Commission for Public Service Appointments: Code of Practice for Appointment to Positions in the Civil and Public Service (2022) within the centre.
  • Disability Services Senior Management with the Head of HR have requested and escalated the requirement for the HSE policy on Garda Vetting to be reviewed as it is currently outside of the 3 years review requirement to the National Garda Vetting Liaison Office.
  • In support of behavior management approaches where required, residents’ behaviours and interventions are identified and recorded on an additional Antecedent Behaviour Consequence (ABC) chart.

HSE Disability Services in Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo will continue to work to ensure that robust governance, quality and safety arrangements are in place within the Hazelwood Designated Centre to ensure high quality services are experienced by all residents.

Last updated on: 09 / 07 / 2024