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Re HIQA Inspection - Carrowkeel Lodge - OSV 000-8110

Carrowkeel Lodge is managed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) Community Healthcare Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Monaghan, Sligo (CH CDLMS) Disability Services and provides full time residential care and support to four residents with an intellectual disability. This designated centre is located in the countryside and there is a large town nearby. This centre is a large four bedroom bungalow with a spacious living room, kitchen and dining area. Each resident has their own bedroom with level access shower rooms available.  There is a large garden area surrounding the centre. The centre has transport available to support residents to access community activities in line with their individual needs and preferences. Residents are supported by a skill mix of nursing staff and healthcare assistants. 

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) undertook an announced inspection of Carrowkeel Lodge centre on the 29 May 2024 to inform a registration renewal application.  The report was published on the HIQA website on September 27 2024.

On the day of inspection, it was noted by the HIQA inspectorate that high quality, person centred and individualised care and support was provided to the residents of Carrowkeel Lodge.  The inspector also noted that residents were treated in a caring and respectful manner by staff who appeared to know them well.

On the day of inspection twenty two regulations were inspected. Twenty regulations received a fully compliant judgement and two regulations were deemed substantially compliant. 

A number of actions have been undertaken to bring the substantially compliant regulations into full compliance. These are as follows:

  • All staff nurses have completed the E-Learning Module in Dementia on HSELand, including site specific training for all staff in the centre with the Disability Services Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in Dementia.
  • Recruitment of staff for the designated centre has been escalated to the Human Resources Department to ensure that staffing levels in the centre are in line with the centre’s Statement of Purpose.
  • Risk assessments have been updated in relation to the use of agency staff in the centre in order to maintain staffing levels in line with centre’s Statement of Purpose. 

The HSE will continue to work to maintain a high standard of quality care ongoing to the residents of Carrowkeel Lodge.

Last updated on: 27 / 09 / 2024